
High resolution and diffraction limit

(2009-11-15 07:07:01) 下一个
From 史家胡同:


Photozone有同一个镜头在350D(8MP)和50D(15MP)上的评测,即使在f11,50D的15MP也是在resolution上胜出一筹,比如Canon 10-22,在f11,14mm焦距,在350D上中心resolution是1909,在50D上就是2206.5,明显高出很多。其他镜头也一样。

In other words, even at small aperture, beyond diffraction limit, lab tests show higher camera resolution still helps with picture resolution. Why?

The reason:

The final resolution (picture resolution) is a convolution of the lens resolution and the sensor resolution. Rigorously speaking, this is an integration. For simple cases (either zero or one), you can approximate the picture resolution qualitatively (note, only qualitatively, but the trend is correct) in the following way:

1/P = 1/L + 1/C

where P is the final picture resolution in lines per mm, L is the lens resolution, C is the camera resolution.

Case 1: If L=3, C=3 (camera resolution matches lens resolution), then P=1.5

Case 2: Increase the camera resolution to C=4 (beyond lens resolution), then, P=1.7, resulting in better picture resolution than Case 1.

Case 3: Increase C to infinity, then, P=L, resulting in picture resolution equal to the lens resolution. This is the maximum resolution you can achieve classically (by human eyes).

Case 4: Rayleigh criterion is meant for human eyes: Rayleigh decided that human eyes cannot see intensity variations less than 20%. But a CCD can detect 20% intensity variations without any problem. So numerical analysis can extract additional resolution beyond the lens resolution. This has been done in the Hubble Space Telescope case, about 15 years ago.
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