

报道无边界是CIA的走狗:Robert Ménard 简介

(2008-04-26 11:00:02) 下一个
报道无边界是CIA的走狗:Robert Ménard 简介

China - Olympic Games 24 March 2008

Reporters Without Borders demonstrates in Olympia at start of Olympic torch relay to Beijing

Three Reporters Without Borders representatives, including secretary-general Robert Ménard, today unfurled a banner showing the Olympic rings transformed into handcuffs at the official Olympic torch-lighting ceremony in Olympia, in Greece.


Actually, Cuban government officials have been arguing for decades that
Montaner is far from a liberal paladin of human rights and democracy.
They say that he\'s very close to known international terrorists such as
Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, responsible for the deaths of
hundreds of people. He\'s an agent of the CIA, the Cubans insist. He has
ties to the NGO, Reporters without Borders, which, last year, admitted
it is financed by the CIA.

Reporters without Borders mounted a campaign in 2002 characterizing the
trial and imprisonment in Cuba of more than two dozen journalists,
among 75 dissidents, as a violation of human rights. The Cuban government
insisted that the accused were mercenary agitators paid by the US to
pose as independent journalists. As Granma reported, none of them even
passed through a journalism faculty or school of journalism and never
wrote a single line of journalism.

Now whom are we to believe, in this matter of human-rights violations
by Cuba? The Cuban officials or the purveyors of democracy in the free
press paid for by the US government -- not exactly distinguished by
its regard for truth?


Robert Ménard
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robert Ménard (born July 6, 1953 in Oran in Algeria) is one of the founders and the current Secretary-General of the Paris-based international non-governmental organization, Reporters Without Borders.
Ménard came from an old French family which had lived in Algeria since the 1850s. When he was nine years old, the family moved to Brusque, Aveyron. He studied religion, and planned on becoming a priest. While in college, he became aligned with Trotskyist elements, and joined the Socialist Party.
In 1975-1976, Ménard created a pirate radio station, Radio Pomarède, and became president of l\'Association pour la libération des ondes, The Association for the liberation of the airwaves. He became the target of many lawsuits, in one of which, François Mitterrand, later President of France gave a character reference. He later created a free magazine, Le Petit biterrois, but was forced to close it down due to a lack of advertisers. In 1985, he created Reporters Without Borders.
Ménard became the focus of significant controversy after an interview with France Culture, in which in response to a question about the case of the kidnapped journalist Daniel Pearl, he made a statement which some have interpreted as saying that the use of torture could be justified in some circumstances.[1]
On March 24, 2008, Ménard and two other members of Reporters Without Borders were arrested for attempting to disrupt the lighting of the Olympic Flame prior to the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. The disruption was aimed at protesting the crackdown on Tibetan civil rights activities by the Government of the People\'s Republic of China. [2]
Reporters Without Borders has been criticized for supposed links to the CIA[3]. The organization has denied the charge. [4]
Ménard is married to Emmanuelle Duverger. They have two children.
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