虽然汽车的喷漆工序可能多达几十道,但完成后车身涂层主要由这几层组成: 1. clearcoat 2. basecoat( where the color from) 3. primer 轻微划痕, 指的是仅限于clearcoat层的划痕. 如果划痕已经透过clearcoat到达basecoat even primer, 本文介绍的方法就不适用。(for this case, 下回分解........) |
Materials needed: 1. clear water (faint...) 2. 3M Rubbing Compond or other brand scratch remover (avauilable at Walmart/pepboys/Autozone....about $7) 3. A polisher---optional, you can make your work faster and easier, plus you can use it to polish your shoes(not recommend but if you could if you want). Can be use to wax/polish the car later on, or be used to remove car washing swirl/spider web mark 4. #2000 sand sponge or #2000 sand paper 5. soft colth or car washing cloth 6. 黑色或白色鞋油--取决于你的车的颜色. 不能用无色或液体鞋油 $1 from Dollar store 7。 regular car wax |
<------Polisher |
Step 1: 抹鞋油,确保所有划痕里都填上了鞋油.然后擦掉表面鞋油。这时候你应该能清楚地看到所有你想去掉的划痕.等十分钟使鞋油固化。 |
STEP 2: 用砂纸沾清水均匀仔细打磨直到所有的黑色印记都消失不见。注意不要打磨得太深,否则clearcoat被完全磨掉,只一块就会看上去和别的地方不同. |
STEP3: apply rubbing compond, polish this area with polisher |
Step 4 Wax this area and joint area |
STEP5 软布擦掉 DONE!! |