yuanyuan88 (热门博主)
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(2017-05-17 08:59:38) 下一个


Charlotte Amalie 夏洛特阿马利亚 located on St. Thomas 圣托马斯, 是美属维尔京群岛最大的城市和首都, 1666年建立. In 1691, 这个城镇重新取名为 Amalienborg (in English Charlotte Amalie) . 这里有深水港口,曾是海盗们的天堂。现在是加勒比海最繁忙的游轮停靠的岛屿. Protected by Hassel Island, 港口有对接和加油的设施, machine shops, and shipyards and was a U.S. submarine base until 1966. 小城长期来都有人口居住,而且人口越来越多。When Christopher Columbus came here in 1493, the area was inhabited by Island Caribs and Taíno. It is on the southern shore at the head of Saint Thomas Harbor. 2010年,城市人口为18,481, 是the Virgin Islands Archipelago的最大的城市. 每星期上百首游艇摆渡船来回岛屿间,人口也翻倍。

The city is known for its Danish colonial architecture, building structure and history, and a dozen streets and places throughout the city have Danish names. Charlotte Amalie has buildings of historical importance including St. Thomas Synagogue, the second-oldest synagogue in the Western Hemisphere, and Frederick Lutheran Church, the oldest Lutheran church in the Western Hemisphere. The town has a long history of pirates, especially stories of Bluebeard and Blackbeard (Edward Teach). In the 17th century, the Danes built both Blackbeard's Castle and Bluebeard's Castle attributed to the pirates. Blackbeard's Castle is a U.S. National Historic Landmark. Another tourist attraction is Fort Christian, the oldest standing structure in the Virgin Islands Archipelago. A copy of the Liberty Bell is in Emancipation Park, which is a tourist attraction.



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