Ai, what can I do with my inmature parents?!
Everything in my life so far looks pretty good, at least to me, except I have a pair of inmature parents to deal with from time to time. Yesterday afternoon, I got an urgent phone call from my Mom, sounded really angry and hurt, "I can't stand your father anymore, buy one ticket for us, send either me or him back home, we can't live together anymore. I've had enough!"
I had to rush back home to do an immediate mediation session. It took the whole afternoon to let everyone spit out what have been bothering them, and what ignited the fight with each other. It was all small and trivial in my mind, but not to them. Things were further compounded by their bad communication style evolved over the last 40 years or so based on a semi-arranged marriage. Of course, at the end, my father apologized, my mother let it go.
I talked with my husband after he got home, he gave me his full support and comforted me. But, deep in my heart, I just don't feel happy about it at all. Well, I've done what I can, it's really beyond my capability. All I can do is wish for the best for them...
Thank you for reading. I feel a little bit better getting it off my chest...
A couple of replies I got:
| 哈哈!跟我一样,我那天刚给我妈国际长途调节了一晚上。。。 | |  |
 | 来源: 爱宝娘 |
- Thank you for sharing your experience, I think your parents are lovely!
这人都活大半辈子了,对方的性格也早都了解了,改变不了就接受吧! You said it so correctly! I have been telling them the same thing over and over again, they just don't get it. They would rather bickering with each other everyday. Sometimes I can't help to think, well, there is not much that I can do if don't have any willingness to change, out of sight, out of mind.
- 唉呀,没那么严重的,就如常满说的,老人有时就是孩子。by wonderkid
俗话说,“老小,老小”。 就是年纪大的人,常常就会表现出象小孩子一样的行为。 老夫妻拌嘴,就如我们小时候兄弟姐妹间的争吵一样, 开始激烈,过去就过去,都会原谅对方的, 你不必担心。
我父母也是这样的, 但是我知道他们其实好得很, 所以每次拌嘴总是“各打50大板”, 把谁都说一遍, 他们就没辄了。 :) 就像小时我妈妈对我和我哥一样, 不过我只是和事佬而已啦。。。。
还有,一点提醒, 父母间的事,可以轻松和老公提起, 但是不要太“严重”地提起, 因为久了, 会让你老公对你父母产生负面印象。 虽然夫妻感情好什么都可以share, 但是适当自己保留的还是自己保留,何况你父母和你们住在一起。 不好意思,只是个人的想法而已。 不一定适用你家。 :)
Thank you all for your reply! Yes, you're all right about it, and I understand it too. I think I was pretty objective and calm yesterday when I pointed out their problems, and how they could have made each other feel better if they expressed themselves in a different way. I didn't get emotional at all at the time.
But this morning, I was certainly not myself when I woke up. It still got me.
Thank you for your comments and analysis, I feel much much better now!
And to that Crazydog said:
• It sure is hard for a daughter to play parent to parents! Hug