


(2009-09-20 21:29:28) 下一个
They did really well!   Even though Ethan got up a couple of times because he felt very hot, he was rather quiet, didn't wait up Emma at all, and he went back to bed successfully till 8am.  Apparently our heat turned on automatically in the middle of the night.

This video was taken yesterday afternoon, right as grandma was finishing up making Emma's new toddler bed with Princess theme bedding.  The most un-girlie girl has recently transformed to a Princess girl, it's a good thing.

And Ethan got his dream Star Wars bedding, his exact words were: I'm delighted, my bed looks good.

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MaryLiu-Brazil 回复 悄悄话 回复bebe38的评论:
谢喜欢。墙的颜色是上蓝下绿,EMMA的小床很矮,所以只看能到绿色。 XMG最近迷什么呀,ETHAN是DIE-HARD STAR WARS FAN。
bebe38 回复 悄悄话 并屋?! You mean Ethan and Emma are sharing a room now? How come the wall in Ethan's side is blue, on Emma's side in green?

My DIL is so cute in her princess bedding. Her voice soulds so sweet. You should take more video in the future.

Don't we have the same taste! XMG has the same bed as Ethan's, except it's in black. The deco on the ceiling and wall goes very well with the bedding.

I guess I need to get XMG some nice bedding too :(
rurumama 回复 悄悄话 回复MaryLiu-Brazil的评论:
MaryLiu-Brazil 回复 悄悄话 回复rurumama的评论:
rurumama 回复 悄悄话 小公主藏在里面软软暖暖的,好招人爱!ETHAN的床漂亮,床单也酷,这么整洁的房间,让我羞愧。