


(2007-06-01 13:48:38) 下一个



bottom line, 如果经商,这词应该翻译为“底线”,是个数字概念;但对于那种对友谊、爱情和艺术追求回报的人来讲更确切的翻译可能是“屁股线”,当其期待的回报没有的时候,他的屁股就再也不会坐在你这遍了。




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flamenco_girl 回复 悄悄话 I agree too that China is in a developing stage, the growth is not balanced across. Maybe this can be counted as "growing pain".
flamenco_girl 回复 悄悄话 Melly, I agree with you that enjoying goal or process is also an individual style and preference. We can see both types of people around us. "Shouldn't one enjoy the process clearly and intensivey and 难得糊涂 when missing the climax of reaching the goal"? Yes, it happens all the time, and it happens more to one type than another though, dosen't it?
melly 回复 悄悄话 回复flamenco_girl的评论:

I appreciate your much clearer insight about process and goal. It is the goal which makes the long process much more enjoyable and meanwhile painful. It highly depends if the one is optimistic or pessimistic, I guess, and it is a state of mind and personal view. Shouldn't one enjoy the process clearly and intensivey and 难得糊涂 when missing the climax of reaching the goal? hehe....

She ironocally critized people who lost their interest for spiritual dreams but pursuing money and power in China in all 3 essays you posted here. I agree with her. While I was visiting my hometown last winter, I felt people and the city were very pompous. I do not like it but I don't blame it either since people have different dreams. And one is not able to enjoy spiritually unless he/she has plenty materially and doesn't have to worry about his/her daily life. The things I do not like is the less and less moral values.

flamenco_girl 回复 悄悄话 I feel it's the goal make 过程 more enjoyable, because you have hope, though you may never reach the goal. So, the 目的 is not only contribute to the 长长的过程之后一秒种的高潮. You may never have the 高潮, but enjoyed the 过程 with the hope, then you may still achieve a lot. Like in dance competition, everyone's goal is Champion, but very few can make it in life time. End up, we enjoyed dancing with great motivation to improve along the way. If someone don't have a goal, but just go through the process of learning dance day by day, likely will not improve so fast, and not be able to enjoy intensively either. We can see plenty of examples.

I guess, she is trying to say 现在大部份中国人太现实,太重利益。
melly 回复 悄悄话 Apparently, you love her essays. Me too. Full of humor, wittiness and wisdom. "屁股线", what a vivid word.

People always say that we enjoy the process of life rather than the results. However, people still feel disappointed when failing to obtain what they expect. It applies for wealth, work, love, friendship. 生活的乐趣都在过程里面,而目的只是在长长的过程之后一秒种的高潮。This is so true.

Thank for sharing.

Good weekend.
