


(2007-04-28 19:06:54) 下一个

                                                                                                -- 选自《忏悔录》
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林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 “因为真正的幸福不是一些事实的汇集,而是一种状态的持续。”
flamenco_girl 回复 悄悄话 Melly, As we talked about, life is a package deal. In my package of life, I missed something you and most others have (i.e. kids), so that I have more time for something else. It's still not perfect, but I'm trying.

Enjoy the spring!
melly 回复 悄悄话 回复Flamenco_Girl的评论:
I visited the link you posted here. Are you the only female speaker? Wow, I am so proud of you and admire you too. How can you perfectly deal with both of your personal life and career? I am still struggle to survive.hehe...

Take care.
Flamenco_Girl 回复 悄悄话 Hi Melly, I'm trying to enjoy the late coming spring these days, and joggling between work and personal activities after a week long trip to Montreal. Another trip to Rancho Mirage, CA is in sight now as well, get to prepare my presentation. It's Enterprise Architect Summit 2007 (one of the top events for the subject). As a speaker, I can bring 5 guests with free registration. I got this info on Friday, still have 3 open spots so far. It's a very enjoyable location, and I've been there three times:

I visited your blog several times, saw you are quite productive these days. Very good writing indeed, especially regarding to friendship.
melly 回复 悄悄话 幸福是一种心态吧。

how are you doing?