影云 (热门博主)
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(2021-04-27 22:14:44) 下一个

Art by Li

An Owl and Nights

The drawing strikes me when I first lay my eyes on it.

Instinctively, I identify the owl as a Male from the masculine strokes and geometric lines . The Intense and searching look in the big round eyes of the bird is thought-provoking. What is he looking at? What is on his mind right now?

The structured Nights on the right side fascinates me. Usually, “night” is described as infinite and boundless, enclosing the whole world. It’s my first time to see a rectangular night, and rectangular Nights, which remind me of petals of a blooming flower. But the dots on each “night” seem to imply that they are the contents of Night; so, they can be the symbols of a one-page Night.

The relationship between the owl and the nights is interesting.  The former is supposed to be in the latter, but now, the distance between them and the spelled out Chinese Characters “Owl and Nights”,  force the observer a new way to look at them.   

Bold and wild imagination!

Mysterious feel from primitive and tribal lines!

As I jot down those words, more ideas are pouring out . . . 



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