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stillthere (热门博主)
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(2016-09-12 21:50:43) 下一个

《华盛顿月报》将毕业生毕业率、工资、还贷、升职等能力、学校的教学科研等为国家培养人才的综合贡献评比排名,我校(CSU Fresno)被评为全美第25名,落后于斯坦福、哈佛、伯克利等名校,但高于康奈尔等几个常春藤以及加州理工,令人非常吃惊!




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stillthere 回复 悄悄话 plum59' comments are right on:

stillthere 回复 悄悄话 Thanks! The university has been low key on this knowing that we are only more diverse than others and serving the locals (white farmers, Kmong or miao and Mexican Americans) instead of the larger world. Very few black and Chinese students so far due to local demographics.

People may laugh at this, but if you take a look at the rationale and scoring process, it's pretty interesting (and in my view, compelling and valid). When more items such as student success is included in the evaluation, we win. hahaha...and its cost-efficiency is simply tremendous… Students success is ultimate goal, of course.

tuition fee difference = tuition + fees - grants from various sources.

The average CSU 2015/16 academic year, resident, undergraduate student basic tuition fee and other mandatory fees required to apply to, enroll in, or attend the University is $6,815 ($5,472 tuition fee plus $1,343 average campus-based fees). At UC Berkely, the tuition is $12,972 , Room and Board $14,414.

The non-Californian resident tuition fee at CSU Fresno is charged at $372 per unit. If one takes 30 units per year, the total is $1,1160 (not including books, labs, room and board etc.). The total should be around $25,000. At Berkeley, it can be $50K, but worth it!