2007 (228)
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想当初川普抗着反伊斯兰大旗何等英豪, 众魈们包括城内的, 跟着摇旗呐喊.
2011在他的书里“Time to Get Tough: Make America Great Again!”, 他如此谴责沙特:“Saudi Arabia funnels our petro dollars, our very own money, to fund the terrorists that seek to destroy our people while the Saudis rely on us to protect them”
如今, 不惜屈膝, 他的curtsey, 做得还真不赖, 有模有样, 胜过我家小妞:
川普和手下大将, 包括反穆首席军师Bannon, 皆闻金起舞:
President Trump and White House officials bounce along to a Saudi sword dance https://t.co/hX5NdBLA0V pic.twitter.com/NYrzCb2tPS
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) May 20, 2017
这下, 惹得过去的铁杆Roger Stone 大喊要反胃吐了:
屈膝礼, 跳舞不算, 连口号都变了, 这个...似曾相识, 和谁的大选口号差不离:
今天副总统在圣母大学给毕业典礼致辞. 结果大量学生退场, 抗议:
A large group of students just walked out of Notre Dame's commencement during VP Mike Pence's address. #ND2017 pic.twitter.com/g3dCuqPbXg
— WNDU (@WNDU) May 21, 2017
你应该是个学者吧?写菜谱都如此严谨!:)可以想见为人。:) 我是印度菜大粉丝,咖喱越辣越爱。。。Salem,MA , 镇中心有所印度餐厅,“ A Passage to India",我觉得不错,你不妨拜访下。:)
关于印度旅行,今天跟同事通电话时, 又提醒他:“ I should be Leasing soon. You really need to start preparing money..." 他是这么回复的:' I hope you eat so much curry there that your burn your &$#@ out!" ...这里最滑稽的地方在于他已经完全放弃替大嘴辩护,跟几月前根本俩人。:)