5)钢琴女大师,巾帼不让须眉的Myra Hess和Bruno Walter
这五个演奏都是个人最喜欢其中的1(只是乐队特别是重要的horn部分有点差强人意).Richter在第一乐章的cadenzza和第二乐章的coda部分,令人倾听. Backhaus,Gilels的弹奏是majestic,(4相当类似 3). 2) 平衡和constraint. Hess的确不让须眉.
Mar 22后补:今天上班时回电邮是又听了其中三部,Backhaus,Bohm更胜一筹. Richter's playing has tremendous forward momentum, propels the music towards Olympian height; is the most exciting among the 5 recordings here. His playing of the coda of the 2nd mvnt is incomparable! Who else can create such a storm at keyboard!
But overall it lacks some of the refinement at key places that Backhaus is able to deliver.
Brahms is not just about blowing it out of water. We also want charm, vivacity and joy, among others.
是不是会和Dudamel合作? :)
Leon Fleisher我也听过,觉得是结构非常完整.气质很不寻常.
most collected.