weston (热门博主)
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李斯特超级练习曲里的最后两首: 11号《黄昏的和谐》12号《追雪》

(2008-08-16 18:01:47) 下一个
11号《黄昏的和谐》Harmonies du Soir
(from wiki): As the piece begins, a man is sitting outside, listening to theevening melodies drifting in the air, be it bells from a church nearbyor singing in some far-off choir. As he listens to opening melodies hebegins to fall asleep, evident in the sprawling, lazy arpeggiatedsequences in the piece. After he falls asleep he dreams and his dreamsare influenced by the melodies he hears sitting out in the evening, andwanders off into a dreamland where he is surrounded by the euphony ofthe bells and choirs engulfing him in the night, during the passionateclimax of the piece. Soon he begins to wake up and after he wakes hesits again and listens slowly to the melodies drift away.

Experiments in tonal ambiguity and 'impressionistic' sonorities mark this as a forward-looking work.

Unlikethe other etudes, Harmonies du Soir, which is the eleventhTranscendental Etude, was rooted from the seventh Etudes in TwelveExercises, which was a study in alternating hands. However, thesimilarities in melody are apparent.

12号《追雪》Chasse Neige
<----> (from wiki):Busoni stated that this is the greatest, most accurate example of program music, or 'poetised music,' as he said.
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