weston (热门博主)
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(2007-05-08 19:53:50) 下一个
[ZT]维厄唐(Henri Vieuxtemps 1820~1881) 是十九世纪比利时小提琴奇才,曾任职圣彼得堡宫廷,也担任过布鲁塞尔音乐院教授,其超卓技巧在当代足以跟帕格尼尼、史波和维奥提相提并论。由于曾经随莱夏学作曲,所以演奏之余维厄唐还热衷写曲,一共留下六十多首作品。
维厄唐1820年生于Verviers。小时候也是一位音乐神童,六岁就举行了他第一场公开的小提琴演奏会。 维厄唐后来承Charles de Beriot为师,并在1829年随老师从布鲁塞尔搬迁到巴黎。两年之后,维厄唐展开个人第一次的巡回演奏会,期间令许多音乐家印象深刻,如舒曼、帕格尼尼等人。
维厄唐在维也纳随Sechter学作曲,后来也在巴黎随Reicha学作曲,他为自己的巡回演奏作曲,足迹踏遍欧洲各大城市,也和钢琴家塔尔贝格一起到美国巡回演奏。1871年他受邀至布鲁塞尔音乐院任教,作育许多英才,包括Eugene Ysaye在内。1881年,在连续八年时好时坏的健康情况下,他终于停止了演奏与教学,病逝于阿尔及利亚。 在维厄唐近六十首的出版作品当中,有14首是在他过世后才出版的。这当中大多是室内乐作品,因为维厄唐特别喜欢室内乐,他从14岁开始就深受室内乐的吸引,到了1845年,他成为创立伦敦贝多芬四重奏协会的一员。 他本身也是一位优秀的中提琴家,所创作的中提琴曲目有:作品30号——“哀歌”,是相当出名的一首作品;作品36号——“降B大调音乐会奏鸣曲”,非常具纪念性的作品;以及“未完成的奏鸣曲”,少有中提琴曲能写得如此灿烂、精彩、令人印象深刻的。

[ZT] 前桥汀子: Born in Tokyo, Teiko MAEHASHI started her violin lesson with Anna Ono at the age of 5 and later studied with Hideo Saito at TOHO Senior High School. At 17, she was chosen as the first Japanese exchange student in Soviet Union National Leningrad Conservatory (today’s St Petersburg State Conservatory) as a part of celebrating the 100th anniversary of its foundation and had studied with Michael Vaiman for three years. After her graduation, she moved to New York to study at the Juilliard School under Robert Mann and Dorothy DeLay, and later, to Switzerland to be trained by Joseph Szigeti and Nathan Milstein.
MAEHASHI made her brilliant debut under the baton of Leopold Stokowski at Carnegie Hall. She has developed her performance activities not only in Japan but internationally, playing with the outstanding representative orchestras which include Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestre national de France, Cleveland Orchestra, and Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, under the great conductors such as Mehta, Rostropovich, Kempe, Sawallisch, Masur, and Ozawa.
The United Nations Day Concert that she was invited with Orchestre de la Suisse Romande was broadcasted world-wide.
Since her debut album “Zigeunerweisen,” MAEHASHI has enthusiastically worked on recordings; J.S.Bach’s “The Complete Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin, ” Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons,” the Mendelssohn and Tchaikovsky concerti, and a box set of 6 CDs for 100 selected short violin pieces.
Besides, she planned concerts whose programs are constructed with short pieces for audiences who are not familiar with listening to classical music and gave recitals in various halls of Japan such as Suntory Hall (Tokyo) and the Symphony Hall (Osaka). They won great popularity. Her contribution toward research of works by J.S. Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and Brahms, who can be said as the origin of Violin music is , playing Beethoven’s sonata with Jörg Demus and all Brahms’ sonatas with Anatol Ugorski. Moreover, in Budapest and Tokyo, she obtained a reputation by performing Mozart’s concerto with Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra.In 2004, MAEHASHI received the Japan Academy of Arts Award.

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rbrb 回复 悄悄话 前桥比郑京和。。。漂亮

weston 回复 悄悄话 回复箫笛的评论:
Browser没有自动去download?用的是divx player,在这里

箫笛 回复 悄悄话 这个是用RealPlayer播放吗?怎不见视频画面?