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看谁厉害(李云迪,Blechacz,Lim,朗朗)-肖邦第一协奏曲 (完整)

(2006-12-23 14:20:53) 下一个

Please provide some feedback of which performance you like and why.

(2/21/2007 修改)原来贴了第二乐章。经听众要求,作了修改。这里贴的是完整的四个演奏,用Playlist形式。
(等右边小照片出现后再按">";如不显示,请reload page.Server 忙时,得稍等)
1-4:   Yundi Li (final round, Warsaw Chopin Competition 2000)
5-8:   Rafal Blechacz (of poland. final round, Warsaw Chopin Competition 2005)
9-12: DongMin Lim (of south korea. final round, Warsaw Chopin Competition 2005)
13-17:Lang Lang (with the BBC Symphony Orchestra conducted by Lawrence Foster - Rheingau Music Festival, July 2004)


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左转海螺 回复 悄悄话 我偏爱李云笛的版本。 这首曲子清澈温柔然而然仍有悲情蕴含其中。李云笛的演绎
chinesechinesechines 回复 悄悄话 Great video collections!
If one listens only to the audios, all four perform outstandingly and there is little difference from one another. However if one also looks at the video, the Polish appears to be more natural than the Orientals. It is not the advantage of Orientals to use facial expression naturally and properly in a Chopin piece.
逗蟋蟀 回复 悄悄话 Rafal Blechacz took all awards at the 15th Frederic Chopin International Piano Competition, including the Gold Medal, and three special awards for the best performance of a polonaise, a mazurka and a concerto. (Competition judges decided no competitors were worthy of the second prize. Two brothers from South Korea -- Dong Min Lim and Dong Hyek Lim -- were awarded the third prize.)
plokm 回复 悄悄话 比较偏爱Rafal Blechacz的演奏,明亮,热情,仿佛是感情的自然流露。Chopin 的sonata # 1是支温柔的曲子,春天般的清澈。Yundi Li的演奏固然不错,气质也最接近Chopin,只是对于我来说有些文雅有余,缺乏内在的热情和张力。Dongmin Lim的演奏没有听完,直觉中认为少了一些灵气。Langlang的演奏有些世俗味道,难以产生共鸣