西门祝2013-06-21 22:08:54回复悄悄话
Thanks for information about unorthodoxy approaches of cancer treatment and prevention. From the two videos I learned many stories never heard before. I need do more study and research on the topic, and may find a healthier way for my life style.
Thank you again!
谢谢您把它们贴出来!这样做可以让有兴趣的人得到一些second opinion.
第一个视频里的演讲者是 The China Study 的作者 T. Colin Campbell。几年前我第一次读到The China Study时,心中是无限的感激,到现在这种感觉还没改变。可以说是这本书给了我把握自己健康的信心,让迷雾重重的食物营养与健康的关系瞬间变得清晰明了。