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惊闻 Pure Evil Stephen Paddock 从 Mandalay Bay 酒店射杀无辜群众,心情瞬间低落。
不仅仅是因为无辜的群众伤亡,还因为我在Mandalay Bay 酒店开业的那一年,就曾经去那里住过。
从15号公路上一路向北,第一座映入眼帘的金色大楼就是Mandalay Bay,从里到外,真正的金碧辉煌。记不得当年住的是哪一层了,但是,应该是三十层往上,因为当时住的房间,可以纵览纸醉金迷的资本主义城市:拉斯维加斯。
在 Mandalay Bay 酒店开张的前一年,去住了以音乐喷泉著名的 Bellagio 的开张住。这些年来,拉斯维加斯新的酒店就像雨后春笋。
其实,最早去的拉斯维加斯的新酒店是MGM, 米高梅是最早开放亚裔市场的酒店。对亚洲人的那个热情呀,有如冬天里的一把火。
2005年,当 Wynn 新开张的时候,酒店的颜色非常别致,造型也非常独特,虽然只有不到三千个房间,但是,Wynn的出手豪闊,开张的时候大宴宾客。Wynn 的造型,就像一把刀削面的刀!我估计 owner 是山西人。
2008年川普国际大厦正式开张,现任美国总统川普给我发来邀请函,请我去他的酒店小住。这个比 Mandalay Bay 还金光闪闪的川普国际大厦,就像拉斯维加斯嘴上镶的一颗大金牙!去住过川普总统在大西洋城的川普大厦,这次,又住了川普的国际大厦。
最后一次去拉斯维加斯住新酒店是2009年底圣诞节前夕,没有一丝金色的 Aria 酒店完全是现代风格。每一个房间的所有部件全部都是遥控的。
第一次去拉斯维加斯住的酒店是 Excalibur, 一个像童话世界一样的酒店,那个时候,住一晚上才十九个美金,简直就是不要钱呀!
“我们的枪就在车上,但这一点用也没有。” 在星期天发生的这场残忍枪击案将拉斯维加斯的露天音乐节变为地狱后,一位亲历现场的乐队吉他手说,这场屠杀迫使他改变了对控枪的立场。
Caleb Keeter:
I’ve been a proponent of the 2nd amendment my entire life.
Until the events of last night. I cannot express how wrong I was. We actually have members of our crew with CHL licenses and legal firearms on the bus.
They were useless.
We couldn’t touch them for fear police might think that we were part of the massacre and shoot us. A small group (or one man) laid waste to a city with dedicated, fearless police officers, desperately trying to help, because of access to an insane amount of fire power.
Enough is enough.
Writing my parents and the love of my life a goodbye last night and a living will because I felt like I wasn’t going to live through the night was enough for me to realize that this is completely and totally out of hand. These rounds were powerful enough that my crew guys just standing in a close proximity of a victim shot by this fucking coward received shrapnel wounds.
We need gun control RIGHT. NOW.
My biggest regret is that I stubbornly didn’t realize it until my brothers on the road and myself were threatened by it.