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植树: Emerald'n Gold Euonymus

(2007-09-13 06:29:54) 下一个

在车道边新植六棵Emerald'n Gold Euonymus.加添了新土:Triple Mix (Manure-Peat-Loam). 这种灌木树的习性和特点抄录如下,以备今后查阅参考:

A colorful evergreen shrub, providing bright green foliage with a gold edge, turning pink-red in cold weather. Its dense mounding habit makes it an excellent small hedge or border plant. Full sun. Moderate grower to 4 to 5 feet tall, 3 feet wide; a climber if supported. Cutting grown.

Design Ideas :


A very brilliant golden plant that makes dreary winter landscapes more cheerful. Makes a fine single specimen, but lower stature makes a fine barrier hedge inside existing gardens, or along the perimeter. Be careful with red volcanic gravels or bronze plants, and best combined with greens and neutral colored flowers.

Companion Plants:


This golden edged euonymus is a great hardy broadleaf that stands out boldly in gardens.

Let it provide the off season color until these flowering shrubs pick up the spotlight in spring and summer.

Look for Aphrodite Rose Of Sharon, (Hibiscus syriacus `Aphrodite`), Spring Glory Forsythia, (Forsythia x intermedia `Spring Glory`), and Slender Deutzia, (Deutzia gracilis).

Also serves as an accent for foilage shrubs like Northern Beauty Japanese Holly, (Ilex crenata `Northern Beauty`).


Hibiscus syriacus 'Aphrodite'


Forsythia x intermedia 'Spring Glory'



Average Landscape Size:


Moderate grower to 4 to 5 ft. tall, 3 ft. wide, a climber if supported.


Key Plant Benefits:


A colorful evergreen shrub, providing bright green foliage with a gold edge all year long. Its dense mounding habit makes it an excellent small hedge or border plant.


Care Instructions:


Follow a regular watering schedule during the first growing season to establish a deep, extensive root system. Feed with a general purpose fertilizer before new growth begins in spring. For a tidy, neat appearance, shear annually to shape.

Growth Conditions: 


Growth Rate       Moderate Growing

Growth Habit      Mounding

Heat Zones         High: 9 (>120 to 150 days)

                           Low: 1 (< 1 days)

Cold Hardiness    High: 9 (20 to 30 F) (see map)

                           Low: 5 (-20 to -10 F)

Water Requirements                      Water regularly, when top 3 in. of soil is dry.

Sun Exposure                                Full sun





Flower or Bloom description:         Inconspicuous
Flower Color                              

Flowering Time/Season                 Spring flowers are inconspicuous.




Propagation Method                     Cutting grown

Best time to Prune                        Spring after flowering




Attractive Fruit

Border Plant


Hedge Plant

Summer Flowering



Gold-edged leaves Foliage Shape Oval

Normal foliage color Green

Underside foliage Green

Juvenile foliage Green

Mature foliage Green

New foliage Green

Spring foliage Green

Summer foliage Green

Fall foliage Green

Winter foliage Green

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