
9 Faith tested

(2007-01-08 22:37:31) 下一个

1. "On the mountain of the LORD, it will be provided." Climax of Abraham's faith! "God will provide"! God did not save angels, but He will save Abraham's descendents. (Hebrews) Because Abraham is the father of the faith. Abraham was a human who made mistakes just like us, yet the LORD blessed the nations through him. I love Rembrandt's painting very much!

2. Bear fruits, or be cut off otherwise. Strong and straightforward information.

3. There is no doubt that the bible, God's word, is the shelter in storms of life.

4. Follow the steps of a good man -- it is very true to find a role model and follow his steps to become a true follower. The good man is hard to find, believe it or not. :)) But I found one.

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-凡凡- 回复 悄悄话 每日灵修 -- 01/09

创世记 20:1-22:24
唉,亚伯拉罕第二次在妻子的事情上软弱,撒谎掩盖事实,幸亏神出手帮助。 信心之父也要亲身经历神的恩典,对神的信心才能越来越坚固。。。。之后,亚伯拉罕神顺服神,愿意献上以撒为祭,他的信心终于得意考验。神再次祝福亚伯拉罕:“地上万国都必因你的后裔得福,因为你听从了我的话。 ”

啊, 感谢神!耶和华以勒----耶和华必预备!!


马太福音 7:15-7:29
要防备假先知。还要小心:“凡称呼我主阿,主阿的人,不能都进天国。惟独遵行我天父旨意的人,才能进去。 ”--- 主啊,我愿意也立定要遵行你的旨意,求你赐予我真理启示的灵,好让我明白你的旨意,并赐予我力量,好让我诚实地信心坚定地遵行你的旨意,阿门!

听了真理还要切实地行出来,才是把真理的根基建在磐石上,不至于倒塌。--- 有了信心还要行出来!

诗篇 9:1-9:12

箴言 2:16-2:22

荒漠甘泉 01/09

我们父神的爱正是如此。因为他爱他的儿女,所以才施管教,要使他们有分于他的圣洁。有了这样荣耀的目的,他才不顾他们的眼泪。神使他的长子在苦难中得荣耀;照样,也使他的众儿女在患难中学习顺服,得以进入荣耀。 --- 感谢主,只要出于你的旨意,你给予我的任何困苦磨砺,我都愿意接受和经历。只求合你心意,蒙你喜悦。阿门!

寒江雪~ 回复 悄悄话 谢谢提摩太。非常欣赏你的解释。当然这并不是我们可以做错事的理由:)
提摩太 回复 悄悄话 亚伯拉罕也是人!他说谎因为怕人图色害命。正如MIKE说的,神检选的人是有弱点的,这对我们来说是一个激励。你我都是软弱的人,但神不轻看.
寒江雪~ 回复 悄悄话 Genesis 20-22:
1. I remembered this is the third time to mention Abraham told a lie on his marital status – Why?

2. Touched deeply by Abraham's faith and his final exam. The power of the faith is unbelievable!

Matthew 7
Like the comments below:
1.“one good way to identify someone is by the type of fruit they produce - actions they demonstrate or lives they lead. And while it may sometimes be easier to identify other people's fruit... “
2.It is an important verse for us to meditate upon in our own lives: "Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won't collapse, because it is built on rock."
~蓑笠翁 回复 悄悄话 Don't quite understand why Abraham told the same lies twice. But also amazed again by his faith to God by sacrificing his only son.

To read the Bible or go to church often doesn't make a good Christian. We have to DO the will of God, follow his words. I would like to bear good fruits and build up my house on the rock.

"He will judge the world in righteousness;he will govern the peoples with justice".

"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you."