http://www.oneyearbibleblog.com/ As I started the journey, I am already one day behind. :)
Some thoughts on 1st day's reading:
- The book of Genesis is the foundation of the whole bible: it described the relationship between God and his creation, God and humans, humans themselves.
- 5 women mentioned in Jesus's genealogy are amzaing, especially 3 of them were considered bad :)
- Paslms is the only book in all 66 books in which we speak to God. In all other books, God speaks to us.
- Proverbs will give me wisdom, dicipline, righteousness, and purpose of my life. Never thought about the rest except wisdom. Great first day reading!
- Quite disappointing reading the fall of man on the second day!
- Really amazed by Joseph's obedience and challenged.
- The annointed one will save us after all
- The fear of the God is the beginning of knowledge.
继亚当夏娃之后,人类第一次犯罪是该隐由于嫉妒杀死了他的亲兄弟亚伯。 可见骄傲和嫉妒是离弃上帝的万恶之本啊!
马太福音 2:13-3:6
-耶稣的开路先锋施洗约翰为众人施洗,他“豫备主的道,修直他的路。 ”
诗篇 2:1-2:12
--- 信靠耶和华神,敬畏而喜乐地事奉他!
箴言 1:7-1:9
荒漠甘泉 01/02
多少信徒甘心乐意地过着矿工一般的生活-终日不见天日。他们的脸上原该膏着天上的喜乐油,可是却抹着泪珠。他们原该在宫殿顶上散步,欣赏利巴嫩的美景,可是却满足于牢狱中的枯萎。醒来罢,信徒们,离开你的平地,努力向上去罢!丢去你的倦、懒、冷,以及一切拦阻你向上追求基督的。让基督作你的源头、你的中心,要让他在万有上居首位。不要满意你目前所有的。渴望一个更高、更贵、更丰、更富的生命。向着春天!追求更近神!--- 通向天国的道路虽然是小路,但是只要勇往直前,越往前走,就“越高越宽, 越上越宽”,而且一路都洒满神的恩膏!
-起初神创造天地(In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.),
-各从其类(according to their kinds).
-神看着是好的(God saw that it was good.)
-神就照着自己的形像造人,乃是照着他的形像造男造女(So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.)。
-神看着一切所造的都甚好(God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. )。
马太福音 1:1-2:12
耶稣家族谱以及耶稣的诞生(这一切的事成就,是要应验主藉先知所说的话, 说,必有童女,怀孕生子,人要称他的名为以马内利。)
诗篇 1:1-1:6
他要像一棵树栽在溪水旁,按时候结果子,叶子也不枯乾。凡他所作的,尽都顺利。 ---这就是基督徒的生命和生活原则,即时时刻刻都与基督联合,都活在上帝的旨意里。
箴言 1:1-1:6
荒漠甘泉 01/01
“是耶和华你神所眷顾的,从岁首到年终,耶和华你神的眼目时常看顾那地。”--我们不能说前面没有损失,忧虑,试炼。我们只能信靠。父神必从今日起伸出他大能的手来扶持我们走当走的路程。所以我们的新年是一个快乐,有福的新年! 坚定地信靠主,在主的眷顾下,我们的日子如何,力量也如何!
每日灵修 -- 01/02
1. Enoch is mentioned to walk with God and God took him away. You can imagine he was obedient.
2. God blessed seventh day and made it holy. Holy means to make that day belong to God.
3. Tarmah tricked her father-in-law Judah to sleep with her and gave birth to twins (of course Judah confessed Tarmah was more righteous), Rahab was a prostitute, and Bathsheba worked with King David to get her husband killed. "bad" was inapproapriate, "blameful" maybe better.
4. The holy Bible is not one single book. It is a collection of 66 books over 1500 years span. there are 39 books in old testament and 27 books in new testament. Easier to remember if you think about 3-9-27. psalms is a book of peoms, written mostly by King David. Most of the psalms can be used as personal prayers.
5. Always remember there are two factors in the relationship between God and humans: God's creation and human's free will. God is holy, He will never design murder.
It would be impossible to read through bible in one year if you spend too much time. Probably you will give up after a few weeks. Genesis is not too bad, once you start Leviticus, you will be lost. :) 15min to half an hour is good.
Genesis 3 The Fall of ManGenesis 4 Cain and Abel
Matthew 2/Matthew 3 - Done not long ago.
Psalm 2
11 Serve the LORD with fear
and rejoice with trembling.
- 对神心存敬畏,以神的话为行为规范,时时事事都要在神的注视下,是不是给基督徒造成一种不自由的约束感?这样会不会影响个人潜能的发挥?因为总觉得有只眼睛看着你。。。:)
Proverbs 1:7-9
7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools [a] despise wisdom and discipline.
Genesis 2
2:And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy
Q:怎样理解“made it holy”。
Matthew 1
Q:你说:- 5 women mentioned in Jesus's genealogy are amzaing, especially 3 of them were considered bad :)。我只发现其中一个“David was the father of Solomon, whose mother had been Uriah's wife”
Matthew 1/Matthew 2:前些日子读过了。
Psalm 1
Q:你说- Paslms is the only book in all 66 books in which we speak to God. In all other books, God speaks to us. - 这里66本指哪些书?
BOOK I : Psalms 1-41
Proverbs 1:- 很精辟!
3。really like one sentence in the comment: What we do matters to God!
4. like this comment too:
It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'” This is such a powerful spiritual truth that Jesus is conveying - we will not live full and true lives if we live simply on bread alone. ---YES, GOD'S WORD IS MY DAILY BREAD.
But you are a shield around me, O LORD;
you bestow glory on me and lift up my head.
非常非常喜欢这个网站!也喜欢那些comments。 谢谢分享!只是觉得创世纪的章节有点多,无法精读,有点可惜。。。