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A trader\'s core library

(2007-12-28 07:48:07) 下一个
From DQ

Technical Analysis:

*1. Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets , John Murphy
*2. Technical Analysis of the Stock Trends
*3. How Technical Analysis Works

Experience of past great traders:

*1. Reminiscences of a stock operator, Edwin Lefevre (Jesse Livermore)
*2. How I make $2,000,000 in the stock market, Nicolas Darvis
*3. How to trade in stock, Jesse Livermore
*4. Pitbull, Marty Schwartz
*5. Market Wizards, Jack Schwarger
*6. New Market Wizards, Jack Schwarger
*7. Stock Market Wizards, Jack Schwarger
*8. How to make money in the stock market, William O'neal
9. The Successful Investor, William O'Neal
10. Alchemy of Finance, George Soros
11. The battle for investment survival
12. How to make money selling stocks short, William O'Neal
13. Lessons from the greatest stock traders of all time, John Boik

Financial History:

*1. Panic on Wall Street, Robert Sobel
2. Wall Street: a history
*3. Devil Take the hindmost, Edward Chancellor
4. Manias, panics, and Crashes, Charles P Kindlegerger
5. Bull!, Maggie Mahar
*6. The Great Game, John Steele Gordon
7. It was a good year, Martin Fridson
8. Six days in October
9. The life and times of Dillon Read, Robert Sobel


1. Liar's poker, Michael Lewis
2. The age of turbulence, Alan Greenspan
3. My own story, Bernard Barauch
4. 24 essential lessons for investment success, Bill O'Neal
5. Investment Biker, Jim Rogers
6. Hot Commodities, Jim Rogers
7. Adventure Capitalist, Jim Rogers
8. Learn to earn, peter Lynch
9. Warren Buffet's Letters to Shareholders and annual reports, http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/
10. Beating the Street, Peter Lynch
11. Finance & Investment Handbook, John Downes
12. Common Stock and uncommon profits
13. The intelligent Investor
14. The accidental investment banker, Jonathan Knee
15. The Irwin guide to using the wall street journal
16. One Up on Wall Street, Peter Lynch

Newspapers, magazines, charts, etc

1. Wall Street Journal
*2. Investor's Business Daily
3. Daily Graph (NYSE and NASDAQ issues) from IBD, old-fashioned chart books
5. Barron's
6. Yahoo! Finance
7. www.marketwatch.com
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