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Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods ---- book review

(2007-10-02 20:38:03) 下一个

What I learnt losting a million dollar cited in a book called Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods

but what he reports learning the most from was a highly unusual combination of mistakes in which he lost more than $1 million in a few weeks of trading soy beans---an extreme but illuminative case.  He reports that he ultimately learned to a winner by carefully studying and learning from losing.

Stephen Covey's(1990) best-selling book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is Based on a purposeful, extreme group sampling strategy.

Sometimes cases of dramatic failure offer powerful lessons.

Teh legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden won 10 national championships from 1964 through 1975, an unparalleled sports achievement. But the game he remembered the most and said he learned the most from was UCLA's 1974 overtime loss to North Carolina Statein the semiifinals(quoted in the Los Angeles Times, December 21, 20000).  Wooden's focus on that game---that extreme case---illustrates the learning psychology of extreme group purpsepful sampling.

DQ 我读到的几位大师的   Confession 他们在偶然的帖子里都承认在 wipe out 几次之后
才知道应该怎样去操作   这也许就是  本书提供的理论依据   但是  wipe out 太可怕了

如果能够用什么东西来替代在 learning 上的获得是最好的  也许这种替代根本不存在

我在研究用交易次数  来替代最终的 wipe out 从而获得认知 learning
根据目前的经验和研究 我认为是 至少在这个大方向上是有明显效果的
我的假设是当你累计交易次数到一定的量必然发生质的变化  而这个质的变化便是 从wipe out 而获得的认知
我对交易次数的累计应用在投资的不同领域进行实际试验 对股票期货和
外汇交易 以试图不被wipe out而达到和wipe out之后的同样效果的认知
另一个因素就是时间 当然时间要花的长一些需要耐心持久 投资是一件很枯燥的事情 营利只是使我们能够做下去的保证

这本书似乎是一本社会学研究的科学理论书 我是通过查找另本书What I learnt losting a million dollar而发现这本书的
但里面的一些内容的阐述似乎让我可以把他应用到投资的理论上去 研究投资的理论是让我们找到更正确更能够理解和分析
使我们能够将他应用到实践中去 最终使自己习惯于这种交易

下面我要谈到另一个很重要的观察 obervation

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