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CBOT futures education articles

(2007-09-01 19:02:30) 下一个
Date xx, 2004  http://www.cbot.com/cbot/docs/tutorial.swf

For a day trading example, August 13, 2002, has been chosen because it was the day of an even that had an impact on all markets. On this daym the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) met to discuss monetary policy. The fed funds target and fed bias were annonced at approximately 1:15 pm, CST or 2:15pm EDT.

On August 7, 2007,  it was the day of an even that had an impact on all markets. On this day the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) met to discuss monetary policy. The fed funds target and fed bias were annonced at approximately 1:15 pm, CST or 2:15pm EDT.

Before 2:15pm, mini S&P ES Sep contract stands on 1483 still.  It was rised from low a day before . When time pass 2:15pm just a few seconds, it is start to drop like rock going to 1473
then down to 2460 stop.  rebound in to 1483 above.  the next day going 1493 above and set
record 1510.

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