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(2007-05-08 08:16:07) 下一个
多大年纪才能让父母家长放心 案情民意反馈显示保守说85%认为是谋杀 但事情并不是一开始
就是这样的 当案件还在萌芽的时候 大众普遍接受警方的论断这是一起自杀案 警方一开始称物证
与自杀保持一至 但是什么物证 警方并没有给予说明 但这又是合乎寻常的 民意的转变发生在周父
出来反驳警方 理由不多但很符合人知常理 到此民意并没有完全改变 只是多了另一个角度去看待
这一自杀案 使民意发生根本转变的是警方的立场改变 就在周父站出来 很快警方就否定了自杀
论断 而改为不之可否 警方立场的迅速改变 使民众一贯认为美国警方公正的意识 来了个大转弯
或者说地方警方草菅人命激怒了民众 而且从而部分引起了对斯坦福大学的不满

Update September 12, 2007
谋杀终於浮出水面  周父的私人专家报告直至谋杀  那么现在人们就不是听警方的一面之词了 而是
有理由怀疑为什么警方从一开始的有意阻挠  这个案子会不会和警方有什么干系   我们拭目以待


May Mengyao Zhou was born on July 30, 1983.  She attended Mason Elementary School from 1990 to 1995 and Challenger Junior High School from 1995 to 1996.   She participated in the Johns Hopkins CTY Talent Search and scored the second highest in the nation on the SAT I.

From 1996 to 2000, May attended La Jolla High School.  She had perfect SAT I, SAT II, and AP scores.  She was a National Merit Scholar, a National AP Scholar, and a candidate for Presidential Scholar.  She was also the president of Math Team and a valedictorian.

Harvard, MIT, Caltech, and UC Berkeley all accepted her.  May chose MIT, where she studied from 2000 to 2005.  She was a member of the sorority Kappa Alpha Theta, a Student Ambassador, and a news reporter for The Tech, a MIT student newspaper.  In 2002, she received the Paul E. Gray Endowed Fund Research Grant.  A year later, she was initiated in Eta Kappa Nu and Tau Beta Pi, two engineering societies.  In 2004, she received MIT’s VI-A Fellowship, and she completed her Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, with a Minor in Economics.  In 2005, she obtained her Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. May invented three patents and finished her Master’s thesis at Qualcomm. She had perfect GRE General scores. 

After graduating from MIT, May went to Stanford University with a three-year Stanford Graduate Fellowship to continue her education in Electrical Engineering.  She passed the PhD Qualifying Exams with high marks on her first try.

May was highly motivated and optimistic about her future; she saw a direct relationship between hard work and success and believed no obstacle to be insurmountable.  Though her studies were time-consuming, she was always ready to socialize with friends and family, whether the activity was a simple dinner or a jaunt to New York City.


She is murdered
- 1/28/07
I believe she is murdered. She might have involved an Internet dating trouble, which she was unwilling to tell anybody. She might be not very smart to handle online dating issue or she might be treated badly. It would be big shame for her if the real people around her knew the truth which she might have involved a dating problem. She is so smart in many fields but she might not be very clever to deal with those matter. She didn’t want to show her stupid side to the real world. I believe The murderer is also well educated. I prayer for her and wish the cops find the murderer very soon. Again she was 100% murdered.


下面是wiki 的连接

You probably had watched a Hollywood movie in the past.  It tell a story that two young students happened to winess a murder in the crime scene. 
But what they dont expect is the killer who is the son of police chief of veterant in the local police department.  He was going to kill them to rule out winesses. 
It is really a scare movie I ever have seen in my life.  Or you may see other movies which tell a story how a main figure in the movie try to challenge the top
authority invovle in a crime.  When mengyao's case emerge, it remind me that movie over and over again.  This is America.  The only thing we hope is
the justice is properly served. Let us stand on Zhou's family side and pray.

If you live in America for years, you know that police is highest authority.  It is the hardest ball you could play against police forces in America including Canada.

Read articl to see how strange police react the murder case from hell of beginning.  The police force is located in well-known Standfort University. 
Recent developing news coverage ------  Aug. 2007

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