  • 博客访问:

种族歧视 少数裔的人权 美国法律

(2007-02-02 06:54:21) 下一个

Sonoma County, CA

The Police Murder of Kuanchung Kao

Revolutionary Worker #925, September 28, 1997

At 2 a.m., in the early hours of April 29, 1997, 33-year-old Kuanchung Kao was shot to death in his driveway by Rohnert Park police officer Jack Shields. The killing was the eighth death at the hands of police in suburban Sonoma County since April 1995.

The official investigation of the killing of Kuanchung Kao was a cover-up. As Kuanchung lay dying in his driveway, police were obtaining search warrants to ransack his house and terrorize his wife and young children. Rohnert Park police issued a press release stating that the cop felt threatened by a "martial arts" pose. And the Sonoma County District Attorney rushed to clear the cop who shot and killed Kuanchung.

more  http://revcom.us/a/v19/920-29/925/kao.htm

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