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New Moon Report‏ (英文)

(2011-07-29 12:14:34) 下一个

StarIQ.com New Moon Report, July 30, 2011

by Jeff Jawer

The Moon is our constantly changing companion. She lifts our tides and lights our nights. She reflects our needs, moods and daily deeds.

New Moon in Leo


Saturday, July 30, 11:40 am PDT, 2:40 pm EDT
The exuberant Leo New Moon is a celebration of life. This Sun-Moon conjunction in the sign of the heart is joined with beautiful Venus, enhancing creativity, promoting playfulness and inspiring romance that's spiked with originality thanks to a favorable trine from innovative Uranus. There is a potential, though, for overindulgence with expansive Jupiter’s energizing square to this lunation. Being outgoing and taking risks is appropriate as long as turning up self-confidence and expressing your beliefs doesn’t overpower others.

Mercury Retrograde

Tuesday, August 2
The messenger planet’s backward cycle, lasting until August 26, triggers travel troubles, data disasters and communication breakdowns. Double checking details helps prevent these problems. Yet even that might not be enough to stay on track because Mercury’s retrograde turn opposes diffusive Neptune, thickening the fog of confusion. This shift of perspective could, however, open minds to other dimensions with heightened intuition and imagination while softening harsh conversations with compassion.

Mars in Cancer

Wednesday, August 3, 2:23 am PDT, 5:23 am EDT

The warrior planet is not designed for fighting in sensitive Cancer. This sign is made for nurturing and caring, not war and conflict. This transit does encourage tender ways of addressing differences and more cautious approaches to initiating activities. However, it’s also associated with passive-aggressive behavior that masks real feelings of vulnerability. Whining around the edges of issues instead of addressing them directly can be disempowering and disingenuous.

Neptune in Aquarius
Thursday, August 4, 7:59 pm PDT, 10:59 pm EDT
Neptune’s 6-month visit to brainy Aquarius provides a subtle dose of intellectual inspiration. Mystical beliefs and spirituality may be described in scientific terms, blurring the lines between physics and metaphysics. Perhaps some genius ideas will emerge that can help us safely dispose of plastic waste and finally lead to mainstream application of alternative energy sources.

Mercury in Leo
Monday, August 8, 2:46 am PDT, 5:46 am EDT
Mercury backing into grandiose Leo can inflate the importance of our own ideas. It’s tempting to defend positions out of pride even if facts don’t agree. Separating ego from intellect with a bit of objectivity can counter this reactionary impulse. The upside of this transit is the recovery of creative concepts that have been left lingering on the vine and are now ripe for picking.

Mars square Uranus and Mars opposite Pluto


Tuesday and Wednesday, August 9-10
Tension rises with Mars’ catalyzing aspects to astrology’s most transformative planets. Electric Uranus and powerful Pluto are moving toward a series of exact squares in 2012-15 that has the power to reshape the world. Mars’ interactions with this pair can trigger a sense of uncertainty and provoke impulsive behavior. Taking a calmer approach to crisis, though, can lead to innovation and learning how to manage the pace of change.

Full Moon in Aquarius

Saturday, August 13, 11:57 am PDT, 2:57 pm EDT

The Full Moon in Aquarius represents a time when we can step outside of ourselves to see a more global picture of reality. Its opposition to the Sun, Mercury and Venus in self-conscious Leo gives us the choice of falling into infantile patterns or recognizing that there are at least two sides to every story. This is an opportunity to express Leo’s heartfelt warmth without burning others with an overheated need to dominate, but rather to engage in shared experiences that honor the uniqueness of everyone.

Venus in Virgo
Sunday, August 21, 3:11 pm PDT, 6:11 pm EDT
The love planet’s entry into earthy Virgo permits us to view relationships in a more practical manner. Emotions are tempered by operational considerations that can take the steam out of unrealistic romance, but increase the efficiency of partnerships. The discerning eye of this sign may focus on flaws, yet its value comes from constructive criticism that helps to solve problems instead of presenting them as failures. A more refined sense of taste allows us to appreciate life’s pleasures without overindulging ourselves.

Sun in Virgo
Tuesday, August 23, 4:21 am PDT, 7:21 am EDT
Virgo is a sign of efficiency that’s more interested in getting the job done right than looking good or playing to the crowd. We can grow more conscious of ways to take care of our bodies and our obligations with less wasted time and effort. This sign’s penchant for perfectionism can lead to unreasonable expectations. Yet the purpose of setting high standards is to inspire us to work toward them and respect the progress we’re making even if there’s still a long way to go.

Mercury Direct

Friday, August 26
New ideas and fresh contacts come more easily with the messenger planet shifting into forward gear. But it takes weeks for Mercury to regain full speed, reminding us that a steady rate of growth is more likely to produce lasting results than a fast blast of enthusiasm that can die out as quickly as it arrived.

Leo symbolizes the joy of a child discovering his or her creative power. Being the center of attention is a way we feel valued when we’re younger, but returning that recognition with generosity is what makes us loving adults.

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