This weekend I took two children to Monterey aquarium by myself. I have a 4 year old and 6 year old children. Monterey locates about one hour and half hour from San Jose area. I was waiting for my husband to go together with us. However he seemed very busy with his work and he doesn't like the driving in general. So I decided to take both kids there just by myself and to test if I can handle this kind of situation.
Amazingly I did it. The driving part wasn't bad at all. We left home around 1:30pm and arrived Aquarium around 3:00pm. Sandy and Benjamin enjoyed the trip, we stayed in the aquarium for about 2 1/2 hour, saw jelly fish, sharks, vine snake, touched star fish and manta ray. Then we had a nice dinner (crabs, shrimps and ice cream) by the beach. After that we spent some time on the beach and caught two hermit crabs from the tide pool. Then I drove them home around 8:00pm. By 9:30pm, we are already home.
Being independent means freedom and more experience. Everyone benefits from this trip. Kids are happy and my husband is happy too since he can stay at home and get some work done. :-)