

在计算机上装 Opera Mini 以节约数据流量 (written by yoniahmad )

(2013-09-27 07:19:56) 下一个
等 FreedomPop 到手后,准备试试这个,用以确保少用数据流量

How to Install Opera Mini on your PC or LAPTOP
Install Applications Opera Mini on Computer or Laptop

One effective way to save on your computer access the volume quota is to install opera mini on your PC or Laptop, because the data received is not directly uploaded via computer but compressed in web server so that the scale opera kb (kilo bytes) of data will be smaller. Obviously this is very useful for volume-based internet usage and unlimited internet.The steps is as follows:

1. Opera Mini Operating System running on windows operating system.

2. first download program java, jre (java runtime environment)  extract the file and install it online at Computer
into your windows operating system.

3. Once the Java program has been installed on your computer, Download both the Opera Mini 4.2 and Opera Mini    5 beta. It is recommended if there is a new update so that Opera Mini can look at your computer .

4. The last program  you should install is microemulator 2:03, the file size of 1.5 MB. Then unzip and placed in accordance  with your wishes. For more delicious I suggested in  D: and create a new folder with the name "operamini" without quotes. What is needed is actually only microemulator.jar file (631 kB) and  microemu-device-resizable.jar (5 kB).

5. To use it you can click on the file named 2x microemulator.jar, the proficiency level you can place the file on the desktop your computer

6. after open the window microemulator please select "Options> Select device> Add "and select the file-device-resizable.jar microemu

7. Select "Resizable device" and click "Set as default".

8. Click the "Resize" in the bottom right For insert sizes  window you want. Suppose the change to 1016 x 709 pixels.

9. Go to "File> Open JAD" and select the file. Jad For Opera Mini has  you downloaded earlier.

10. "Opera Mini" will appear in the list of applications you can "Start" ..

11. Click "Start" For start. From here, all similar to Opera Mini your phone, except that the size is now approaching full screen in  your computer. How so satisfied right ngeliatnya ...

12. if on the phone you might just be able to run one operamini only,   but when you wear the ato pc laptop, you can
opera mini run more than one. It feels more comfortable ...
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