

(2007-11-12 04:14:55) 下一个
Last night\'s low at around 5030 should serve as a bottom for the short-term. A few bluechips showed strong reversals at the end or during the trading session last night such as 万科,招行,宝钢,浦发 etc., which are very promising. I think 中石油 will do what 人寿 did when it returned to A-sh, trading down for a couple of months, eventually built a bottom around mid to low-30, and moved higher from there. I would not be too concerned about the health of this market. Very long-term, if you are not in the Chinese market, you\'ll miss being able to benefit from one of the most dynamic economics of all-time. Many emerging economy (Taiwan, India etc) saw their stocks market went up many folds before reaching the top. The Chinese market, as volatile as it can get and may from time to time correct 15% to 30%, is still in its early cycle of a tremendous bull market. I would not bet against it over the long term.
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