
What A Saturday

(2007-01-28 19:58:17) 下一个
Since J has very structured and long-hour life at school Monday through Friday at age of 4, I try very hard to hold back my temptations, and only put him into swimming program this year over the weekend. This way, I can have the flexibility to take him to different places and activities. Sometimes we just stay home and do nothing special. I will do some house chores while he plays with his toys.

But often I still surprised how much could happen in one weekend, how much I can guide him as a parent, how much he can learn from the life experience, and how much he could teach me and make me to grow as an individual.

Like last Saturday Jan 20, he decided to make two pancakes with me for our breakfast. I took out the pancake powder, a mixing bowl and demonstrated to him how to read the instruction on the pancake box, how to follow the instruction to measure the powder, to pour the powder into the bowl, and then to mix  the powder together with water.
The next thing I showed him was to put a fry pan over the stove, turn the heat at medium and then put some butter into the pan. I then showed him how to pour some of the mixture into the pan. He stood right beside me and observed very closely how the mixture turned into golden pancake. He looked so curious and serious. I could just image that something was really forming in his little head, just like the mix turning into the golden pancake.
The fun part is, he was able to give me instructions when I was ready to make the second pancake: "Mom, step one is.. step two is.."
And for me, I really enjoyed this twenty minutes with him, and his big smile while we had our breakfast.

We headed to his swim school after breakfast. It was J's first session at Level 4, which meant he would be in the big pool with new instructor.
Situation surfaced as soon as we were by the pool. The little J refused to get into the big pool. Why? The only reason he mentioned was the water
was cold in the big pool.
The new instructor along with his old instructore was encouraging him, but I knew my kid. He noticed from the writing on the groud that the big pool was 3 ft deep on one end while 4.5 feet on the other end. He knew himself was far away from 4.5 feet, which really worried him.
I let him lean against me for a few minutes. Neither of us really said anything.
I then gentenly grabed his hand and took him to the pool. He hesitated for a bit and then sit down on the stairs, put his feet into the water.
The instructor took this opportunity and asked him whether he would like to give a try. He shook his head. So the instructor took the other kids in the group. It was J's turn again and instructor asked the same question. This time J swam with her to the middle of the pool, where there was a big stand in the pool so that every one could stand on it. I gave him a big applaud.
The third run of exercise, J actually just went straight ahead with the instructor to the other end of the pool. He finally overcame his fear. I showed his a big two thumbs up and he gave me back a big smile.

Everything went very smooth afterwards. He would never carry any negative emotions and memories about this swimming session.

As a incentive, we went to McDonald for the lunch. And it so happened that the Ronald McDonald would visit this particular location at 2pm that day. J decided to stay for the show, and we agreed that we would order the lunch first, and then he would play in the playground onsite till the show started.
What stranger was, he said he did not want to play in the play ground after the lunch. He would just sit on the table and draw some pictures.
5 minutes passed by, 20 minutes passed by, he still sat by the table, although apprentely he was bored.
Finally I asked him, "J, why you do not want to play?"
"I just want to sit here."
"Are you worried that you may miss the show if you stay inside the playground?"
"Yes." He noded.
"I promise I will remind you 20 minutes before 2pm."
He looked at me and did not say anything.
"Would you worry that I may miss the time to remind you?"
He still kepe silent.
I took out my cellphone, put on the alarm at 1:40pm and told him, "How about I put on the alarm at 1:40pm and, I promise that I will get you when the alarm goes off?"
"Thank you Mommy." he ran away with a big big smile.

I looked at his tiny back and had a big smile for myself too.
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