So surprised to see that you almost lost your interest in singing. You always do great work. Please go on to sing more and I love your beaustiful singing.
歌也涓涓2007-08-27 04:52:56回复悄悄话
Reply to 白玫: I almost lost my interest in singing again. But this new 24-bit recording revitalized my interest. May try to redo a few songs in the blog. Thank you for your encouragement.
So surprised to see that you almost lost your interest in singing. You always do great work. Please go on to sing more and I love your beaustiful singing.
会不会把以前唱过的再录一遍? 正准备把你的刀郎收集到一起呢。听你唱刀郎,常常会让自己迷失。。。