
(ZT) 一点笔记和体会: "Real Estate & Wealth Expo"

(2007-08-15 13:51:22) 下一个

其实这个活动是"The Learning Annex"组织的一年一度的 "Real Estate & Wealth
Expo"。我跑过去主要是冲着那些Key Note Speakers,尤其是Tony Robbins和Donald
Trump。他们俩再加上Bill Clinton是我迄今为止最希望现场聆听的演讲者。这次让我
一下逮着俩,而且最后买的是VIP Pass也只要100刀(原价500,最后两天优惠),实在

除了Tony Robbins和Donald Trump,还听了另外四个keynote speakers的讲座,其中有
三个比较喜欢。周日早上还有Joe Montana(SF 49ers former Quarterback, 4-time
super bowl champ),可惜错过了。


1. James Smith:Real Estate Flipping
A charming guy, great speaker,and successful real estate business man and

(Foreclosures, FSBO, Banks, Expired Listings, HUD, Rentals, VA, Auctions,
Tax Sales, …)。

他很自豪于房地产业是一个淘金的宝地,也很强调"It's fun to help people & turn
negative to positive."

Some interesting points:
- The names: "Real Estate", Estate is Real, but (for investment) some
people go to "BROKERS";

- "Good comes out of bad"

2. Tony Robbins (a.k.a: Anthony Robbins): Unleash the Power Within
Tony is one of the greatest motivation speakers in the world, with millions
of students and had reshaped lives of millions. One of my favorite speakers.

Some interesting points:
- There are obvious patterns that make people succeed and fail.

- Peers/friends set out mindset of our expectations for ourselves.

- 3 Decisions of Destiny:
(1) What are you going to focus on, past? Present or future? Negative or
positive? (Focus on where you are going to go, what you are going to achieve
, not what you are afraid of.)
(2) What does it mean? (is it an end or a beginning?)
(3) What are you going to do?

- It's decisions that shape your life, not your conditions.

- Pyramid of Mastery: 7 areas of constant growth for an extraordinary
life): Physiology body, Emotions, Relationships, Time, Work/Career/Mission,
Finances, Celebrate & Contribute/Spiritual Sense. You can score each of the
7 areas on a scale of 10, and look at what you need to work on.

知道这个人的快乐程度和事业的深度,因为work, career, and mission are at
different levels. 我自己也按照这七个方面给自己打分,有些触目惊心,也更加清楚

- What does it take to master your life, 5 things:

(1) Raise your standards (Turn your 'Should' into 'Must');
(2) Change your limiting believes;
(3) Model the strategies that work (no need to create new wheels);
(4) Increase your emotional intensity to train and build up your emotional
muscles, esp. when you are hit big with adversity;
(5) If you want to be wealthy, always give more than you expect to receive:
the secret of living is giving.

3. Jack Canfield (co-author of <>): The Secret of Attracting
True Wealth

Jack重点讲了 'Law of Attractions', if you focus on the negatives, more
negatives will come, if you focus on the positive, good things will happen.

Interesting points:
- ‘You can do anything, everything you want if you believe you can.'
- ‘If you are clear about & consistent on WHAT, the HOW will come.'
- ‘Your belief controls our behavior, focus on positive things, success,
instead of negative & failures.'
- ‘You are the average of 10 people you are around with.' So if you want to
be successful, be with successful people.
- ‘You have to give up all your excuses and find a way!'

4. Raymond Aaron: Automatic Prosperity
Another great speaker, owing 'the greatest mentoring program on the planet'.

Raymond用自己的戏剧化的亲身经历来阐述为什么我们需要Mentors, amazing personal
story: 39岁时负债10万美元(八十年代初还是不少的),老婆离开了他,自己负担不
起给女儿的抚养费。偶然的机会,那年参加了一个Mentoring program,在Mentor的指导
上。62岁,看起来确实很年轻。有专门的体能教练,教练说:"Raymond, 你身体这么棒

Raymond的Mentoring program的要点其实不复杂:每个月的第一天列出这个月要达到的

5. Donald Trump: How to Get Rich. Think Big!


不少人还举着'Donald Trump for President' 的标语。


#1: You have to love what you do, and you have to really know your subject.
One the other hand, there are good business and bad business, and you should
pick those good ones, instead of those which are dying.

#2: Never ever give up. You have to prepare for bad times.(这时讲了他90年代

#3. Go with your gut, going against the tide are usually the biggest hit (to
success), but you can only do that when you trust yourself, and really know
your subject.

#4. Stay focused, you've got to stay focused.
'I always make more $ in bad times than in good times.

#5. Hire the best people and don't trust them, make them respect/fear you,
know your stuff and keep watching them.

#6. About luck, from a famous golfer (Gary …) 'the harder you work, the
luckier you get.'

#7. Get even (to those who screws you, so others see you are tough and will
and leave you alone)

#8. You have to think of yourself as victorious. Believe in yourself.



- Best life: do what you enjoy doing and can be good at, and at the same
time make wealth.

- To be successful: one has to believe in him/herself, always think positive
, and be focused.

- 成功的人都很强调对他人和社会的回馈,而且这并不是成功之后才做的事,而是他们
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