CSC 强调I-129申请的Duplicate Copy
(2006-09-01 17:29:51)
“Form I-129 may be rejected if it does not include the required duplicate copy with the supporting documents. (The general filing instructions for the I-129 instruct the petitioner to the petition with the supporting documentation in duplicate, if the petitioner checked block "a" in Question 5 of Part 2 of the I-129 form.) ”
本文由张哲瑞联合律师事务所提供。我所周健律师和张哲瑞律师将于8月26日, 星期六,2点到3点半在纽约办公室举办一场免费移民讲座,主题为:NIW (国家利益豁免),EB-1(特殊人才移民第一优先), 和PERM劳工证。
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