

A Muslim makes a threat

(2006-12-01 21:38:54) 下一个

A Muslim makes a threat

  This dialogue is taken from a private message I had with a Muslim apologist on paltalk.  Paltalk.com is a free voice chat system where I frequently engage in theological dialogue.  I had debated this Muslim before. 
     He goes by the nic of "let_us_reason."  In this dialogue, he demands that I put up a file and/or a link to a file on my website.  I thought this was most interesting since he didn't ask politely.  He demanded and threatened me.  So, I asked for permission from him to post this pm (private message) since it was indeed private.  He said I could.  So, here you go. 
      Sadly, this attitude is prevalent with Muslims.  Some are so given-over to their false religion that they cannot see anything other than what they want to see.  Remember, the goal of Islam is to subject all the world to its teaching.  That is a scary thought.

let_us_reason: H
i matt.
Matt: Hi
let_us_reason:  Did you get a chance to hear the debate
Matt: No.  Been busy.  Very busy.
let_us_reason: I see.  Well, some have asked me.
Matt: Asked you what?
let_us_reason: Weather if I will post our debate on the website and I agreed.  Therefore, will you be willing to post our debate on your website?   I think it is a must and I will be making an issue of this.  You have a debate column in which you debate amateurs.  So I'm sure you will have no problem posting this debate?  I will be posting our debate as well as ahmed=shamoun debate in the next debate, I will challenge Sam to post his debate on his website.  Therefore, I will have to insist on this, and many other Christians and Muslims are asking the same questions.
Matt: First of all, I am very particular about what I post on my site.  You cannot insist anything of me regarding my site except that I represent truth.
let_us_reason: For the record, I am fully willing to put the debate on my site, and am accepting the challenge from the people.... if anyone weather you or Sam does not post the debates in will make sure to exploit this to the maximum potential.  Since you have a debate section in which you debate amateurs, its simply a matter of integrity.  I think it would be in your best interest to make the debate available to your congregation. 
Matt: Look, you are loosing the argument here with me.  You are not doing well.  Don't mention integrity to me as a ploy.  Muslims, as a whole, make too many demands.
let_us_reason:  Like I said, if you don't post this debate, I will affirm that you are hiding your loss, this is no doubt a sign of weakness, and I will have this written on my website, google boards, paltalk, and every where else I can advertise.  But I don't want to go down that road. Anyways, the choice is yours
Matt: Look, listen, read.  I am too busy to look at it.   I am preparing for a conference. I have surgery to prepare for.  I have emails to answer.  I have sermons to write.  I have a Sunday school class to prep.  I'll get to it when I get to it.  Don't pressure me.  It will back fire.
let_us_reason: I have saved this pm Matt. 
Matt:  What? You saved this? You going to try and use it against me later?
let_us_reason: If you do not put the debate on your website, then I will have no choice but to attack your credibility.  But I don't want to go that route and it does not matter because I will have the debate available for everyone on my new website.
Matt: I see. So, if I don't do what YOU want me to do with MY website, you will attack my integrity? Is that how it is?
let_us_reason: Hey, I have to go. I will have my new website up in a few days.... do the right thing.
Matt: Hold on. Are you telling me that if I don't do what you want me to do with my own website, that you are going to attack my credibility?
let_us_reason:  No matter what, I will make sure that people will have access to the debate, so hiding it is pointless.
Matt: I am not hiding it.   I haven't even heard it.
let_us_reason: Then air it or you can link to my website.
Matt: Again, are you telling me that if I don't do what you want me to do with my own website, that you are going to attack my credibility?
let_us_reason: At least let the people know that the debate exists.
Matt: Again, are you telling me that if I don't do what you want me to do with my own website, that you are going to attack my credibility? Can you please answer this question? 
    [Long pause]
    I have asked you a question. Can you please answer this question?  Are you telling me that if I don't do what you want me to do with my own website, that you are going to attack my credibility?
let_us_reason: What I am asking you to do with your website is not simply my demand, but also the Christians, and is what a person should do, regardless of me asking ...... and if you hide the debate, then this means that you know that your beliefs are inferior to Islam, and you are hiding the truth, then I will simply be exposing the obvious.
Matt: You mean the Christians are demanding that I put it up on my website? Who are these Christians?
let_us_reason: Yes, many people came to me and have asked for the debate.  Muslims and Christians
Matt: And what makes you think I SHOULD put anything of yours up on my site? What right do you have to tell me that I SHOULD put up your debate?  And, if I don't listen to it is that hiding it?
let_us_reason: Because its a matter of integrity
Matt: If I listen to it and don't put it up is that hiding it?
let_us_reason: You can at least mention that the debate took place and give the link.
Matt: Is this the way of Islam? To threaten people into submission?
let_us_reason: Yes
Matt: Wait, I believe it is, isn't?   Yes, that IS the way of Islam, to threaten people.  To misrepresent the facts.  Now, because you have demanded, and threatened, I will not put the link up or the debate up. This is YOUR doing, not mine. I will not be threatened into submission by you. Do you understand?
let_us_reason: In debating, we press our points, and we expose falsehood for what it is, and this is the way of Islam.  Oh yea.
Matt: I strongly resent your threat and your statements.
let_us_reason: Ok, you can stick to that alibi
Matt: The way of Islam is to threaten in order to conquer
let_us_reason: I have mine.  Let the people judge.  Its about debating Matt/
Matt: I need no alibi, just this pm that demonstrates your rudeness and inconsiderate attitude.
let_us_reason: If you cant handle the heat, then maybe you should not be an apologist.  No one is threatening you physically.   But I am threatening you INTELLECTUALLY. 
Matt: Now, being a man of integrity, do I have your permission, if I need to, to post this pm on my website?
let_us_reason: I'm done
Matt: You are not threat to me intellectually.
let_us_reason:  Talking
Matt: Now, do I have your permission or not?
let_us_reason:  Matt,
Matt: Do I have your permission, if I need to, to post this pm on my website?
let_us_reason: Yes you do.
Matt: Thank you.
let_us_reason: You may
Matt: I think I will.   Good bye.
let_us_reason: ok

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