

Story Line

(2006-12-14 21:43:01) 下一个

Story Line

God created the universe of stars, earth and animal life in six days and rested on the seventh (Genesis 1). The first humans were placed in the perfect world of Eden (2) but were expelled after they disobeyed a divine command (3). Out of Eden the first couple had offspring who typified the worst of sin and the best of culture (4-5). But sin ran rampant, prompting God to cleanse the earth with a flood (6). Only Noah, his immediate family, and a representative sample of animal life survived in a boat of God's design (7). After the waters subsided (8) God made a covenant with Noah, but Noah's episode of insobriety marked the return of wrongdoing (9). Still, humanity grew in number (10). They began building a massive tower ascending heavenward in order to make a name for themselves, but God frustrated their plan and scattered them abroad (11). The Primeval Story ends with the geneology of Shem from whose line comes Abraham. Through him God would reestablish fellowship with humanity (see Chapter 2).
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