

旧约词汇 - Z

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A descendant of Aaron, he was a priest at David's court; he supported Solomon's succession, so his descendants had rights to the chief-priestly duties in the temple. See Chapter 8, Chapter 12.
Someone zealous for the Torah; and in particular a member of a Jewish group, founded perhaps by Judas the Galilean in 6 C.E., made up of dedicated political activists that militarily opposed Greek then Roman rule in Palestine.
A prophet and priest who returned to Jerusalem after Babylonian exile and encouraged the Jews to rebuild the temple; the book of Zechariah contains post-exilic visions and divine oracles. See Chapter 13.
(597-587) The last king of Judah. See Chapter 9, Chapter 11.
One of the Twelve Prophets; a seventh century Judean prophet who proclaimed the coming Day of Yahweh. See Chapter 13.
A member of the royal Davidic line, an heir to the throne of Judah, who led a return from Babylonian captivity in the sixth century B.C.E.; he was appointed governor of Judea by Cyrus, king of Persia. See Chapter 13, Chapter 18.
(from Akkadian ziqquratu, "pinnacle, mountain top") Of Sumerian origin, a Mesopotamian pyramidal staged-temple tower of which the tower of Babel was one. Chapter 1.
(also called Mount Zion) The hill on which the city of Jerusalem first stood; David's royal palace and the temple of Yahweh were both located on Mount Zion; later Zion was used to refer to the entire city of Jerusalem; already in biblical times it began to symbolize the national homeland (see, for example, Psalm 137:1-6); in this latter sense it served as a focus for Jewish national-religious hopes of renewal over the centuries. See Chapter 10.
Zion theology
The ideology in Israel that affirmed the divine promises to the house of David and the invulnerability of the city of Jerusalem. See Chapter 13.
Wife of Moses, mother of Gershom, dauther of Jethro/Reuel.
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