

Comparison Chart

(2006-11-28 21:16:25) 下一个

Comparison Chart

      This chart is a simplification of various groups and their beliefs.  It is, to be realistic, an oversimplification.  But it gives the reader an idea of where the groups stand.

Group NameFounderThe GospelThe ChurchGodJesusSalvationJesus
Scripture and writings
associated with group
ChristianityJesus ChristThat Jesus saves from sinThose who are savedTrinity:  3 Persons in one GodGod in fleshby GraceJesus rose in the same body he died in.The Bible alone
Christa- delphianismJohn Thomas
founded 1848
Faith in Christ and baptismMembers of their churchOne God as  one personCreated being.  A man with a sin natureBaptism is requiredYesThe Bible is inspired. 
Elpis Israel, Eureka written by founder.
Christian ScienceMary Baker Eddy
Religious beliefs of Jesus' teachings, not the atonement.A collection of spiritual ideasImpersonal Universal PresenceA man in tune with the Divine Consciousness, not the Christ.Correct thinkingNoBible, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Miscellany
IslamMuhammadFaith in Allah and worksn/aOne God:  Allah.  Non TrinitarianCreated being. A prophet.  Not God.by Allah's grace and man's worksNo.Qur'an, Hadith
Jehovah's WitnessesCharles T. Russell
founded 1879
Jesus opened the door for us to earn our salvationMembers of their churchOne PersonCreated being. Michael the archangel who became a manKeeping the commandments, being in their OrganizationNoBible, Studies in the Scriptures, presently the Watchtower and Awake Magazines
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints (Mormons)Joseph Smith
founded 1830
Jesus' atonement plus the Laws and ordinances of the gospelMembers of their churchTriad - 3 gods.Created being. The brother of the devil and of all peopleResurrected by grace, saved by doing works.YesThe Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants,
Pearl of Great Price
Oneness PentecostalN/AFaith in Christ and baptismMembers of their churchOne Person
God in fleshBy faith and baptism "in Jesus' name" in their churchYesThe Bible
TheosophyMadame Helena Blavatsky
founded 1875
n/an/aGod is a principleCreated being. A great teacher*NoThe Secret Doctrine, Isis Unveiled, The Key to Theosophy, and The Voice of the Silence
UnityCharles Fillmore
founded 1889
The overall principles of UnityA collection of spiritual ideasImpersonal Universal PowerCreated being. A man, not the ChristAdopting the correct Unity thought principlesNoBible, Unity Magazine, Metaphysical Bible Dictionary.
Way InternationalVictor Paul Weirwell
EarnedMembers of their churchOne PersonCreated being. A man, not God in fleshBy worksYesBible, Jesus Christ is Not God, Power for Abundant Living
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