

Cult and non-Christian List

(2006-11-28 20:58:19) 下一个

Cult and non-Christian List

    There are many more out there and I'll add names in here as time goes on.  At least if you can find a group listed here, you'll know it is not Christian.
     I'll add links as time permits.

  1. Alamo Christian Foundation
  2. Anthroposophical Society
  3. Astara
  4. Children of God
  5. Christadelphianism
  6. Christian Family Fellowship
  7. Christian Identity Movement
  8. Christian Science
  9. Church of Armageddon
  10. Divine Light Mission
  11. Eckankar
  12. Est
  13. Foundation of Human Understanding (Roy Masters)
  14. Jehovah's Witnesses
  15. Krishna
  16. Life Spring
  1. Mormonism
  2. Oneness Pentecostal
  3. Rosicrucianism
  4. Scientology
  5. Self Realization Fellowship
  6. Silva Mind Control
  7. Swedenborgianism
  8. The Farm
  9. The Unification Church
  10. The Way International
  11. Theosophy
  12. Two by Two's
  13. Transcendental Meditation
  14. Unitarian Universalist
  15. Unity School of Christianity
  16. Urantia
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