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God is not a man
Numbers 23:19
· (Numbers ) - "God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?"
A common objection to Jesus being God in flesh is raised by citing Num. 23:19 where it says that God is not a man. In light of this verse, how could Jesus be both God and man (have two natures)? The solution is simple.
First of all, the verse says that God is not a man in the sense that he would lie, or repent (from sin). Therefore, there is no problem here because this statement is not against Jesus being God in flesh, but against God being able to sin. It is like me saying, "I am not a man who robs banks." The statement is not saying that I am not a man, that I am not a man who robs banks. Likewise, God is not a man that he would lie.
Second, this statement "God is not a man" was written at the time of Moses. It was not for another 2000 years that Jesus, the Word, became flesh (John 1:1,14). We can see that when it was said that "God IS not a man," that God was not a man. It was not until the incarnation that the word, which was God, became flesh. So, when this statement was written in numbers, it was true. God had not become a man. Therefore, there is no contradiction.