

No one should look over the importance of divine covenant

(2006-10-06 20:57:41) 下一个
No one should look over the importance of divine covenant
Originally Posted by auggybendoggy View Post
keep babbling saying other dispees are just wrong.

This link is exactly dispensationalism whether you say so or not.

You demand a LITERAL verse that states anything about any dispensation yet as will told you, You don't have one yourself to prove about any dispensation.

Convenant is not based on a VERSE that says "there is a dispensation of law" and one of "grace". It relies on a sound logic that NO ONE CAN BE SAVED BY THE LAW. Something alot of dispees like yourself give lip service to by saying "yes we do".

So how shall the OT saints be saved? law or grace?
if your answer is grace then when did the age of grace begin and if it is pentecose then why are OT saints saved by it.

All your "we've" got it nailed smack means nothing.
it's hardly a debate to say "we've got scripture"

Show me in scripture where pork is clean and not detestable to God in the OT. you won't. Yet you will call the pharisees blind for having literal scripture to back up their position? LOL

My understanding is that covenant is the way revealing His will and attibutes and the method regulating the relationship between Creator and creatures. While covenant theologians have paid more attention to the continuity and changeless attributes of covenant, the dispensationists have emphasized more on difference and variation in steps during the process.

It is enough to insist in self's stance and no need to play down the counterpart's opinion. Rather, each side should learn from each other in order to do better the will of God.

In bottom of line, no one should look over the importance of divine covenant, which is stipulated in the Bible from cover to cover, and critically, a death and life engagement. Why do we not focus on studying the relative scriptures?
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