When marimba rhythms start to play Dance with me, make me sway Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore Hold me close, sway me more
Like a flower bending in the breeze Bend with me, sway with ease When we dance you have a way with me Stay with me, sway with me
Other dancers may be on the floor Dear, but my eyes will see only you Only you have that magic technique When we sway I go weak
I can hear the sounds of violins Long before it begins Make me thrill as only you know how Sway me smooth, sway me now
Sway me, take me Thrill me, hold me Bend me, ease me You have a way with me
Sway (sway)
Other dancers may be on the floor Dear, but my eyes will see only you Only you have that magic technique When we sway I go weak I go weak
I can hear the sounds of violins Long before it begins Make me thrill as only you know how Sway me smooth, sway me now Make me thrill as only you know how Sway me smooth, sway me now Make me thrill as only you know how Sway me smooth, sway me now Sway me Sway me Sway me now
自辣妹解散後,女子團體似乎很少有掀起風浪的。然而2005年一支由6個動感十足、熱力四射的女孩組成的新一代辣妹組合迅速掀起一股巨大的舞曲旋風,令全球歌迷為之振奮和雀躍--她們就是*cat dolls(小貓咪")!擁有夠炫舞姿、夠辣身材的“貓”女郎個個才華橫溢:nicole scherzinger 是擁有一張全美排行榜top10轉專集和單曲的主唱;jessica sutta 曾經擔任邁阿密熱門舞蹈團團長,carmit bachar 曾是拉丁天王瑞奇馬汀“瘋狂生活”世界巡迴演唱會專屬伴舞,ashley roberts 和kimberly wyatt來自好萊塢,舞藝超群,melody 則以歌唱實力入選這些性感美麗的小“貓”們早在1995年即已在好萊塢表演,成功簽約環球唱片後於2004年發聲收錄于「鯊魚黑幫」等原聲帶中。2005年夏“小貓咪”在歌迷期待中終於推出首張同名專集pcd。首支單曲“don't cha”由樂壇頂尖詞曲創作名家製作並邀來饒舌悍將busta ryhmes 助陣,熱辣舞姿加上女性主義強烈的辭匯,使單曲一推出就在美國舞曲榜拿下冠軍,更空降英國單曲榜兩周冠軍。延續快意嘻哈/饒舌樂風的"beep",搭配多部合聲的節奏藍調韻律,以及紅透半邊天的黑眼豆豆團長will.i.am幫腔,勢必再掀點播熱潮;末曲加值收錄電影《來跳舞吧!》中最受歡迎的老歌新唱佳作“sway”“小貓咪”的打造人robin antin 說:“除了性感和熱鬧,我們更多的是要表達對女性權利的重視和表現女性的自信。這是關於一個人可以在落地鏡子前自在地唱歌跳舞而充滿想像的專集!”請做好準備,火熱的小貓們來了!"