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《I Miss You》by Beverley Craven

(2006-08-26 12:39:30) 下一个
I Miss You
演唱:Beverley Craven
制作:柳影 2006.08.26

Here in the silence I wait
there's nothing else I can do
it feels like my heart's gonna break
and all I can think of is you
and how my aching arms long to hold you
and show you how much I care
but I'm counting the hours without you
and I don't know how much I can bear
cos I miss you more than words can say
and I need you here in my life always
yeah I miss you and I'll always be
waiting here for you til you're back with me
you found a place in my heart
from the first moment I saw you
and you are my light in the dark
and I would do anything for you
cos you're everything I've ever wished for
the answer to all of my dreams
and I want you back home is here with me
oh I miss you more than words can say
and I need you here in my life always
yeah I miss you and I'll always be
waiting here for you til you're back with me
Yes I, would be right there beside you
if I only knew where you are
cos it feels like I'm dying without you
my whole world falling apart

英文名称:Mixed Emotions
专辑歌手:Beverley Craven

Beverley craven出生於斯里兰卡, 幼年时回到英国,在严格的古典音乐教育下长大,她7岁学习钢琴,求学时深受Elton John、Kate Bush和Billy Joel的影响,使她对流行音乐产生浓厚兴趣。由于填词谱曲样样皆行,加上天生一副好噪音,终获Epic的亲睐,在1989年加盟该旗下,开始朝歌坛进军。15岁录制单曲发行,歌曲创作方面深受著名女歌手凯特·布什的影响。1990年出版个人首张同名专辑“beverley craven”,展现出她独特的歌喉和卓越的创作才能。她的嗓音充满着张 力和高贵感,在低吟浅唱中潜藏着内敛的激情,带着一缕飘渺的质感;大部分歌曲曲调平易抒情、轻灵理性,歌词更是简洁优雅,充满着诗意和哲思,配合上灵秀的钢琴和小提琴伴奏,别具特色。在制作人Paul Samwell-Samwell-Smith的策划下,发行于1990年的同名处女作“Beverley Craven”不仅推出了“Promise ME”,、“Holding On”、“Woman To Woman”和“Memories”4首畅销单曲外,并一举获得英国Q亲志票选为1991年[最佳杰出艺人]殊荣,由此可知Beverley魅力可见一斑。

《混合情感》(Mixed Emotions)是贝弗莉的第三张专辑,收入了10首曲目,将她的独特风格展现得一览无余。“I Miss You”洋溢着热情和依恋,表达着内心深处的渴望;“Tick Tock”用一种奇幻诡异、跳跃的曲调述说着时光的无情流逝,带给人惆怅和无奈;“We Found A Place”表达着一种对与爱人厮守终身的热望和温情,感人至深。从大众的角度来看,贝弗莉·克雷文还不够通俗和商业化,但她作品中那种突出的感性深度确是值得反复品味的。
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