
To Be One in Christ:We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay(15)12-I

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To Be One in Christ: We Have Treasure in the Jars of Clay -- the Series of Explanation and Analysis of Scripture (15) - 12 -part I

The Explanation and Analysis of the Verses in Chapter 12 of HEBREWS

It is edited and compiled under the guidance of Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!

Regarding the Salvation: The new life that the believers of the new covenant should live (11:1-13:25)

2. Hope with perseverance (12:1-13)

(1) run the race with hope (12:1-4)

A. throw off everything that hinders (12:1)

B. throw off the sin that so easily entangles (12:1)

C. run the race with perseverance (12:1)

D. run the race marked out for us (12:1)

E. fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith (12:2)

F. think of Jesus Christ (12:3)

G. resist the sins (12:4)

(2) endure the discipline with hope (12:5-13)

A. endure the discipline, for it is the teaching in the Bible (12:5)

B. endure the discipline, for the Lord disciplines those He loves (12:6)

C. endure the hardship, for it is “the discipline from God” (12:7)

D. endure the discipline, for the true sons of God are disciplined by God (12:8)

E. endure the discipline, for God disciplines us so that we may share in His holiness. (12:9-10)

F. endure the discipline, for it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace (12:11)

G. the conclusion (12:12-13)

2. Hope with perseverance (12:1-13)

Although this chapter does not mention the word of “hope” apparently, all the information that it talks about all point to a good hope. It is because we have such a good hope ahead; therefore, we should run with perseverance the journey of hope, endure the discipline of hope, and wait for the kingdom of hope. It is discussed from 2 aspects:

(1) run the race with hope (12:1-4)

HEBREWS 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.


This verse starts with “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses”. It shows that the following teachings are introduced from last chapter. In last chapter, it gives many testimonies of the great men of faith. Although they had experienced all kinds of trials and sufferings, each of them left a good testimony in different circumstances, kept their faith and went through the journey that they should go through. Since there are so many great men of faith in different generations, who showed the achievements of their faith in different circumstances, and received the testimonies that God gave them, the common experiences of these people are enough to prove the faithfulness of God, and tell us no matter what kinds of hindrances and dangers we meet with , we can always receive the help from God and overcome in the same way. Therefore, we should not grow weary and lose heart, but should make efforts to move forward.

Although in regard to many things, we need to experience them by ourselves before we know that it is believable, in many cases, the results of the experiences of many people are more convincing and reliable than our own individual experience. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us …”; this manner of speaking shows that the author believed that from the result of the common experiences of people in different times and circumstance, we should have no doubt on the faithfulness and trustworthiness of the promise of God and the assurance of our hope; now the only question left is how to run this journey of hope from our aspect. Here, it gives seven points about how to run the journey of hope:

A. throw off everything that hinders (12:1)

It is also translated as “lay aside every weight” (K.J.V.); or “throw aside every encumbrance” (A.M.P.). Here, “weight” has different meaning from “cross” (Mat 10:38;16:24; Joh 10:18; 18:11 ) and “thorn ” (2Co 12:8). The “cross” refers to the sufferings that one takes willingly for the sake of LORD. Whether one will walk on the road of the cross or not, and whether one is willing to take the risky of the sufferings and loss ahead or not, it is completely up to the choice made by one himself initiatively and willingly to endure the sufferings; just as Lord was crucified on the cross completely of his own accord, he has sufficient reasons and power to avoid this pain, but he bore with it of his own accord in order to do the will of God. For another example, many faithful servants of God suffered for reproaching the sins and evils fearlessly and defending the truth (1Pe 4:14). They could keep silence, but they spoke it out bravely according to the will of God and did not try to escape from the sufferings and misunderstandings of men.

The “thorn” (2Co 12:7-8) refers to certain pain or difficulty to keep people from becoming self-conceited and make people be built up, given by God for the good of people. It is not up to one to accept it willingly or not; such as Paul pleaded with God three times to take away the “thorn” from him without being granted.

The “weight” is a kind of encumbrance, and becomes a burden for the believers to walk on the way to heaven. It is like a weight put on you and make you unable to walk fast. It might be a kind of pain, or a worldly responsibility. No matter what it is: people, family, career, or other matters and things (certainly including sins an devils), whenever it becomes an encumbrance on our spiritual journey, it is a weight that we should throw off. However, “lay aside every weight” is about to throw off the hindrances in our spiritual journey, but not to let us give up our responsibilities and duties, such as take care of the family members and the parents and so on.

B. throw off the sin that so easily entangles (12:1)

What is the sin that so easily entangles? The simple explanation is everything that hinders you to run the spiritual race.

Besides those obvious sins, there are many things originally might not be a kind of sin; however, when they become the encumbrance in our spirituality, and distract us from walking on the spiritual journey wholeheartedly, they are sins that should be thrown off. It is the same as the principles in (1Co 6:12) “ "Everything is permissible for me"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything. ” This illustrates that the believers should notice that many “legal” things and habits in our daily life, whenever they become to master us, they turn into the sins that entangle. Such as all kinds of normal hobbies, though not sins, you must not let it become “addiction” to master you and entangle you. These sins are like the loose shoelace, which seem not to be a significant hindrance temporarily, but can make you fall at any time when you are walking. If we keep some sins that so easily entangle, it will make us unconsciously love the world and be far away from God, and make us fall behind on the spiritual road.

C. run the race with perseverance (12:1)

This shows that to “throw off everything that hinders” and “the sin that so easily entangles” are what we should do everyday, but not “throw off” only once in a while or temporarily. It is because the race which we join in is a long-distance race, but not to reach the sky in a single bound, and one must keep a constant speed to run it. Each winner of the long-distance race will tell us that their method to win is to keep a “constant” speed, the believers should do the same in the spiritual growth.

As to each runner, what make others cheer to them is not the initial part of the journey, but the last part of the journey. The perseverance of the believers must finish its work (Jam 1:4); otherwise, it won’t be called perseverance.

The lessons of “perseverance” often make us grieved into tears. However, this is the most useful weapon to deal with the old self. When our heart feel like being cut by a knife for the sake of LORD, we should not forget that this is a spiritual “circumcision”, to cut off those parts belong to death and the old creation so that we can live more like Christ.

D. run the race marked out for us (12:1)

What God put ahead of each one to be saved is not an easy chair, or a spring bed, but a long journey. Therefore, now it is not the time for us to have a rest and sleep, but the time to run forward. The Israelites ate the lamb in the Passover; it is the typology that the believers receive the life of Christ. Although it was during the night (Exo 12:8), God did not let them have a rest first after the dinner, but let them prepare for the journey. In the like manner, now after each believer was reborn, God want us to run forward. The journey is “set before us ” and “marked out for us ”. This means that a road is readily opened, which is “the road of cross” and was built by the blood of Christ and directly led to heaven. There is no other way except this one. Note that it is a race that is set “before” us. The road to heaven that the believers need to run is always “set before us”. The worldly road is always the road following us. No matter how far we go on this road, the worldly road is only a step away from us -- it is right behind us. Whenever we turn around toward the back, we will depart from the road of cross.

“marked out for us ” or “set before us” shows that this road gives us good hope and draw us move forward.

“run” the race that is set before us. This word of “run” points out the speed that the believers should have to move on the spiritual journey. It is to “run”, but not “walk”. A Christian on the road to heaven should be like one who rides on a bicycle, he must keep a certain speed; otherwise, he will fall. As to the believers on the spiritual journey, not only the retreat is dangerous, but also making no progress is very dangerous. When we are on the road to heaven, we should not walk on it like taking a walk after the dinner or roaming in a park in a casual and leisure way; but should pass through it swiftly as if passing through a journey with all kinds of beasts and bandits around it.

E. fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith (12:2)

HEBREWS 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.


“fix our eyes on Jesus”; this is the strength that can make us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. This verse points out: How can we set aside all the encumbrances in this world, and move on the spiritual journey lightly? It is not by our own effort to restrain ourselves, but by the attraction of LORD Jesus.

“fix our eyes on Jesus”; this includes the attitude of trusting in, relying on, waiting for and longing for Jesus Christ. This also shows that “Jesus” is the goal and destination of the running.

Every runner must concentrate on the goal and run fast, and can not look around. During the race, the runner has no time to care about the applause or the cheers of other people, nor can they bow their head to look at their own step; for these distractions can only slow them down. What they should do is “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, ” (Php 3:13,14)

Here, it also explains how is Jesus whom we fix our eyes on:

a. Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith.

“the author and perfecter of our faith”; it is also translated as “the author and finisher of our faith ”(K.J.V.); or “the Leader and the Source of our faith” (A.M.P.). This shows that He has the absolute authority and power to make our faith perfect. We used to be unbelieving and hardened in heart; how are we saved and turn to God and trust in God? It is because He originated the faith. Thus, we should fix our eyes on Him and rely on Him to make our faith perfect.

b. Jesus is “who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, ”:

Here, it gives the reason that Christ can make light of the disgrace on earth, is because he not only saw the disgrace at the moment, but also saw the joy and glory set before him. Thus, how can we overcome the disgrace and all kinds of trials in this world? We certainly should be like LORD to overcome through the hope of the joy in the future. Therefore, we should fix our eyes on Jesus, He knows how to teach us to run on this road to heaven.

“scorning its shame”:

The principle for the Christians to make progress, is not to overcome the sins and evils by harsh treatment of the body passively, but by the inspiration of Holy Spirit so that we can see indeed the hope of the happiness in the future, and naturally are willing to “scorn” all the pains and sins of this world.

c. Jesus is who endured the cross.

The sufferings of the cross is the summit of all the pains on the road of the cross, and is also the final and critical juncture for the great success of the salvation of the cross. Since Christ “endured the cross”, it shows that he has endured all the sufferings on the road of the cross and obtained the final victory. Thus, since we are those who follow Christ to walk on the road of the cross, we should certainly look upon His mercy and grace as our goal of walking on this road.

d. Jesus “sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”

This shows that Christ has overcome the devil and was exalted by God (Heb 2:15, Php 2:6-11), entered the true sanctuary in heaven and became our high priest in heaven and the mediator to intercede for us. Therefore, we should fix our eyes on such a powerful and glorious Jesus who can sympathize with us, and be as the hope of our walking on the road. Today, those who run with Him will sit with Him in the future (Rev 3:21,22).

F. think of Jesus Christ (12:3)

HEBREWS 12:3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.


Those who walk for a long distance easily grow weary and lose heart. It is the same to walk the spiritual journey. The weary body is recovered and regains strength through the rest; while the weary spirit regains power through thinking of Jesus who endured such opposition from sinful men. Even Jesus who is equal to God, also endured such opposition from sinful men, how much more, then, us! If we often think of Jesus on the spiritual journey, we won’t grow weary and lose heart. Thinking of Jesus is like breathing the fresh air, so that we can get rid of the stale and take in the fresh, and recover from the spiritual wearisome.

Those who easily grow weary in walking are mostly those who seldom do exercises, have weak health, or are too fat. Those who easily grow weary in making no progress on the spiritual road are also those who are lazy to make progress, seldom do exercises, have weak spiritual life, and are self-conceited. They are easily hurt, or lose heart due to others’ fall. Actually, the biggest reason is that their old selves are too “fat”; it is all because they did not “think of ” Jesus who endured such opposition from sinful men.

G. resist the sins (12:4)

HEBREWS 12:4 In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.


This verse is a rebuke to encourage the believers who grew weary at that time. It shows that the reason that they grew weary and lost heart, is because they did not willingly pay price high enough to deal with the sins and evils. Therefore, they shrank back in front of the difficulties and lost their heart and courage. Otherwise, if they have the determination to resist sin to the point of shedding their blood, they can make every effort to run the race marked out for them without being hindered. Therefore, this verse tells us a condition to go through the spiritual journey from the opposite side, which is the determination to pay high price to resist the sins and evils; it also shows that the main task of the believers in this world is to resist sins and evils. The secret for us to overcome is to arm ourselves with the attitude of suffering before the fights, and have the determination to pay any price even to sacrifice the life. If we are not afraid of suffering and shedding blood on the road of the cross, we can certainly move forward bravely.

“In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. ” :

This verse reminds those Hebrew believers that they should not become proud for their experiences to suffer for the sake of LORD before, for they have not yet resisted to the point of shedding their blood for the sake of LORD. Although they used to sacrifice something for LORD, but not to the highest point. Nor should they complain and lose heart for the present sufferings they endured, for what God had them endured are not the biggest pain; comparing with the great men of faith mentioned in last chapter: “ They were stoned ; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. ” (11:37), the Hebrew believers are much inferior to these people!

(2) endure the discipline with hope (12:5-13)

In these verses, the Holy Spirit inspired the author to exhort the Hebrew believers to endure the discipline, and do not lose heart and determinations; for what they suffered, are all the discipline of God so that they can benefit spiritually and a better hope is introduced.

“discipline” implies teaching, rebuking, and correcting to make people know what is sin. Although “trial” and “punishment” are similar to “discipline”, there are some differences. The “trial” is from the love of God; it is completely for the good of men, but not to punish the wrong doings. The “punishment” is from the righteousness of God; it is the pain caused by men’s wrong doings. The “discipline” includes the meaning of both trial and punishment; sometimes it is to punish the wrong doings of people so that they will know to turn around; sometimes it is to give trials to people so that to build them up. In these verses, the “discipline ” includes both of the meanings (12:5,6,11). Here, it gives the seven reasons that one should endure the discipline:

A. endure the discipline, for it is the teaching in the Bible (12:5)

HEBREWS 12:5 And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons: "My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,


This verse is cited from (Pro 3:11,12). It reminds the believers not to forget the teachings of enduring the discipline in the Bible. The Bible gives the teachings in advance regarding the difficulties that the believers will meet with in the future, and make them know the attitudes that they should have toward the discipline. But what is most important is that the believers should not forget the words in the Bible so that they can get comfort and strength from the words of the Bible. Here, the author especially points out the reason that the believers will grow weary and lose heart because of the difficulties they suffered, is because “And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons”. The words that the believers won’t forget most are the praises from others, but they forget easily the words of exhortations and encouragements in the Bible. However, the exhortations in the Bible are what we should not forget most, for the exhortations in the Bible are completely from the love of God and completely for the good of the believers, just as the persuasions from the parents to the children. As a result of forgetting about the teachings of enduring the discipline in the Bible, we will gain nothing good spiritually when being disciplined, and suffer in vain; that will do no helps on ourselves and others.

“My son”, refers to the son who is an adult already, but not a child.

“do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you”. This verse is aimed at two types of believers:

a. One type of believers ignore that the pains which they suffered are from “the Lord's discipline”. They look on all the difficult circumstances as from men completely; they only complain others and put the blame on others, but do not endure quietly the discipline and consider whether it is a discipline to themselves from God through men or not.

b. As to another type of believers, although they know the difficulties and pains they suffer are from Lord’s discipline, they also overlook the discipline from LORD and do not understand the value of the discipline from LORD to their spirit. They do not know to examine themselves during the discipline and benefit from the discipline they receive. On the contrary, they complain that God does not treat him fairly such that they shrink back and lose heart on the road of faith.

Both of these two types of believers forget the gracious words of the exhortations and encouragements in the Bible.

B. endure the discipline, for the Lord disciplines those he loves (12:6)

HEBREWS 12:6 because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."


This explains the reason for the previous verse that do not make light of the discipline from God. It is because love makes one have expectations for those he loves; the deeper the love is, the bigger the expectations of the love is. LORD disciplines us because of His deep love to us; however, our spiritual situation is often far away from His expectations, even run in the opposite direction sometimes. Thus, God will discipline us! The “discipline ” is the method that LORD uses to make us to reach the level of His expectations; is absolutely not from any bad intentions. Therefore, one must not doubt the love of LORD because of the discipline from LORD, or think that LORD does not take care of His children; it is actually the evidence that LORD treat us as His own children.

C. endure the hardship, for it is “the discipline from God” (12:7)

HEBREWS 12:7 Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?


Another reason for enduring the discipline is because what we receive is LORD’s discipline: “For what son is not disciplined by his father?” In the like manner, for what son of the heavenly Father is not disciplined by the heavenly Father? When we endure the discipline of our father, although we might resist at the moment, afterwards, we always admit that such a discipline from the father to us comes from his love. In the same way, how can we doubt the love of the heavenly Father because of the discipline from heavenly Father? The father who won’t spoil his children must discipline them. Since the heavenly Father will certainly not to spoil us, He will surly discipline us.

These two verses tell us that God is absolutely not willing to see His children sin without repentance. He must try to turn them around through the “discipline”. God even do not want His children make no progress; He will make them grow through the discipline. God has expectations on each one of us; He won’t let us stay at the level that we are satisfied with; He want us to advance to the point that He expect us.

D. endure the discipline, for the true sons of God are disciplined by God (12:8)

HEBREWS 12:8 If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons.


God do not show favoritism on His children that only discipline some of His children, while do not discipline all His children. Although they are not disciplined at the same time, they are disciplined at the time that they should be disciplined, for the discipline is for all sons. Since we receive the disciplines from God same as other sons, it proves that God indeed treat us as His sons, but not as outsiders. Although God could let the sinners keep on sinning at their wills in this world and suffer great pains from the sins and evils. However, God will absolutely not treat His children as the outsiders and let them sin without disciplining them.

When many persons in the process of being disciplined, it seems to him that he is the only one to be disciplined by God in such a way and suffering. This verse reminds these people that they should not think that they are the only one who suffers, there are many other children of God go through the same sufferings. The “illegitimate children” refer to the children who are born illegally. Since the “illegitimate children” don’t have legal status in the family, they won’t receive the equal education as the true sons do. Here, it uses the parable of the “illegitimate children ” to show that the believers should not regard the discipline of God as pains, but should regard it as the legal rights and the chance to grow up further to be perfect, which can not be enjoyed by all the outsiders and nominal church members. However, except illuminating this point, this parable absolutely does not imply that there is “illegitimate children ” in God’s family.

E. endure the discipline, for God disciplines us so that we may share in his holiness. (12:9-10)

HEBREWS 12:9-10 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live! Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness.


There are similar words in verse 7 above. Here, it further shows the reason that we should obey the discipline from God by comparing the noble purpose of God’s discipline with the discipline from the human fathers according to their own will. Although in many cases, the discipline of the human fathers comes from good intentions, it might not benefit us; even though it is beneficial, it is only for the good of this life. Since the human fathers are not perfect themselves, their discipline might be incomplete; sometimes, it is even from the wrongness, or from the releasing of the anger; sometimes they do not discipline what should be disciplined; sometimes they disciplined in improper ways and so on. Even so, we still respect the discipline of the human father and admit that they have such rights to treat their children. Regarding the discipline of the Father of all the spirits and live, who does not have any error and partiality or goes beyond the limit, each discipline is according to a certain will so that to benefit us spiritually and share in His holiness. Thus, shouldn’t we respect and accept His discipline more and rely on His good intentions?

As to each believer who is called to be holy in Christ, although by relying on the merits of the redemption of Christ, they receive the status and power to be holy, they might not completely give up the old self yet, and they might not let Christ be in charge in them completely such that they sin and fall, and live ungodly life. Therefore, God often use the method of sufferings to make them understand their own deficit. Each time to break down and rebuild, is to remove the dross that is not pleasing to God so that to be refined to be pure gold, have more and more likeness of Christ, and share in the holiness of God.

F. endure the discipline, for it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace (12:11)

HEBREWS 12:11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.


Here, it let us know that the way to overcome the sufferings is, not to look at only the pains “at the time” and care about only this world that one can see; but to look upon the blessings with the eyes of faith after the sufferings, and think of those invisible things that have eternal value (2Co 4:17,18), in order not to lose heart because of the sufferings. Note that here “at the time” and “later on” tell us explicitly that at the time of being disciplined and afterward are different. Although the discipline from God make one feel painful at the time, later on, it will make those being disciplined produce better spiritual fruit. This verse gives us three teachings:

a. Although God’s discipline makes us worry at the time, this kind of suffering won’t be bore with in vain and must gain more profit.

b. The pains allowed by God for us to take are temporary ( in our journey of the entire life, God won’t let us completely enjoy or suffer); after the days of sufferings pass, the days of happiness will follow and come.

c. The purpose that God let us suffer is to let our spiritual life produce more fruit and live a more holy life as God. If we obey the will of God, God will fulfill this purpose. If we pay attention to the comparison of before and after our sufferings, we will find that after suffering each time, we become more mature and grow up more. On the contrary, if we do not obey the discipline from God, grumble every time when suffering, are outraged by an injustice on ourselves, or shrink back and lose heart, the result of each suffering must be that not only one can not benefit from it, but also his faith will get hurt greatly. Therefore, this verse points out to us the biggest reason of enduring the discipline from God, which is because the discipline from God brings us the good hope and can make our spirituality become more perfect.

“it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace”. When people are in the sufferings which are not peaceful, or are mistreated with injustice and without goodness, they will especially feel the preciousness of the “righteousness”, and become aware of their own mistakes of doing injustice in the past. Therefore, God’s discipline make those who have been disciplined produce the fruit of righteousness and goodness, and treat others justly and kindly. Then not only they themselves have peace, but also they can live with others peacefully and make others live in peace. Therefore, it is said that: “it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it”. This fruit of peace is produced by the righteousness.

G. the conclusion (12:12-13)

HEBREWS 12:12-13 Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. "Make level paths for your feet," so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.


These two verses is the conclusion of this section. Because of all kinds of reasons mentioned above, one should not lose heart and be discouraged. Although the way of sufferings often make our arms feeble and our knees weak, since we have good hope set before us, we should follow a lot of those people with faith in ancient times, and take hold of the hope that we confess through faith, so that to strengthen our feeble arms and weak knees, and regain the power to do what we should do and walk on the road that we should walk on.

“Make level paths for your feet”. This implies to walk a straight and upright way spiritually, but not a tortuous way which rises and falls like waves. This kind of way will make our knees more weak, and easier to grow weary and lose heart. Many people do not walk on the straight and upright way in their sufferings, but walk on the crooked way, and only get even more pains.

“so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed”:

It is also translated as “lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. ” (K.J.V.). It is to “be turned out of the way” instead of to “be disabled”. The lame are inferior to the normal people on walking. If the lame are turned out of way and need to turn back to the right way, it will be even more easier to grow weary and lose heart to turn back such that they might stop moving forward. If we do not walk on the straight and upright way, and do not get rid of all kinds of rugged and uneven hindrances, we will not only have a weak knees and stop moving forward, but also make others who are originally “lame” spiritually grow weary and lose heart even more, and unable to move on, because of the crooked course we left for them and make them turned out of way. However, if we straighten our spiritual way and make levels paths, and leave straight and upright course so that those who are lame spiritually won’t be turned out of the way. Thus, those who are lame can practice and move on the straight and upright spiritual way such that “the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed” .


1. Zhongdao Chen: “The Lectures on the Bible Studying of the Letters in New Testament”.

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