
I like & I don't like

(2006-07-16 09:06:58) 下一个

        I don't like the way someone  likes me just as likes a kind of chocolate,

        I don't like the way someone likes me just as likes a kind of music,
        I don't like the way someone likes me just as likes any kind of thing.........
        I like the way someone likes me just as likes a kind of person,
        I like the way someone likes me just as likes himself,
        I like the way someone likes me better than himself !
        And then, I'll like him more than anyone else in the whole world !
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hey3g 回复 悄悄话 说得不错...不过如果我是你的话,可能不会要求别人喜欢"我"胜过喜欢他们自己.:)
outtowner 回复 悄悄话 Interesting, :)

The last sentence, how about:

And then, I'll like him more than anyone else does!