
飘洋过海为您提供1>如何成功签证移民USA;出国前准备工作(过海关,登机,离境,入境...); 在美国职业发展的信息


(2006-09-09 14:16:40) 下一个

Marcel DePaul: International Applicant

Marcel is a cultured, respectful, and polite young man ofhigh motivation from the Middle East. Hisinterests lie in the technical realm and his candidate schools include the mostcompetitive in the world. His command of English is remarkable. His writingsample reveals the deep and early roots of his passion for technology. Marcel'sstats:

High school type: Private

GPA: 3.6

Class rank: 2 out of 110

SAT I: 1480 (800 Math, 680 Verbal)

SAT IIs: Math IIC: 800

Writing: 750

Physics: 800

ACT: 33 composite (36 Math, 35 Science, 30 Reading, 29 English)

Senior-year Courses: 4 British A Levels:





plus regular school curriculum of:



Religion, and

Physical Education

Previous APs: Ranked first in nation in British IGCSE exams(5 As, 4 As)

TOEFL: Computer-based: Perfect 300 out of a possible of 300

Extracurriculars: Karate: Black Belt

Clarinet Grade 4 with Merit ABRSM

(Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music)

Member of school band and participant in several schoolconcerts

Winner of most-original comic performance at school talentshow

as a member of a comic singing group

Organizer of the first LAN (Local Area Network)

Intramural soccer and basketball player

Prospective Prefect or student government member

Job at a local computer fixer shop

Volunteer work: Volunteering at the local AMIDEAST

Honors: ECIS international math competition winner 97-98

Top IGCSE scores in school 98

International Certificate of Education (ICE) winner withdistinction (9

One of top-3 students throughout high school (#1 twice)

Summer Programs: None

Candidate Colleges: MIT

Stanford University

California Institute of Technology

Princeton University

University of California at Berkeley

Carnegie Mellon University

Cornell University

University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

University of Texas at Austin

Purdue University-West Lafayette

Legacies: None

Writing Sample:

[Marcel explains] This is a copy of the AMIDEAST scholarshipsearch fund essay. The prompt: "Tell us about your future plans and whyyou wish to pursue them. In addition to that, provide us with a deion ofyour interests and anything that might help us know you better as aperson."


During the past century, civilization has been progressingmethodically towards the use of machinery and technology to improve theefficiency of production and quality of life. The greatest machinery of allbeing the microchip due to the doors of possibility it opened for technologicaladvancement. Ever since, the field of computer technology has been advancingrapidly and the need for computer specialists has been rising greatly.

My interest in technology in general, and computers inparticular, became evident during my childhood. I enjoyed learning more aboutcomputers, and experimenting with them to discover new functions andapplications. Then my interests in PC inner workings and programming grew. Eversince, I have been a source of information on computers for my colleagues andacquaintances, and I have many a time been called a "computer wiz."

Academically, I excelled throughout primary and secondaryschool. This led to me being chosen to participate in several academicallyoriented events and activities such as the ECIS Math League and the Ministry ofEducation reading competition. I have also been a relatively active member inmy school environment and have been voted form captain once.

Such academic involvement had little effect on myextracurricular interests. Throughout my childhood, and into my teens, I havetried to pursue most types of activities including sports, music and reading.Of these activities, my playing the clarinet in particular had a great effectin shaping my character and rounding off the sharp edges of the pure scientificthinking I pursued academically, and in refining my artistic and philosophicalside. As for sports, they served mainly as an entertaining outlet and socialactivity, which I pursued during most of my free time.

I plan to enroll in a competitive college or universityexcelling in the field of computer science and plan to pursue my educationbeyond the B.Sc. degree. In college, I see myself participating in areas ofsports, music and student government, giving to the college community as wellas reaping from it. I imagine my future career encompassing science andcreativity, since I love nothing more than to use science as an art and a toolof innovation.

Student Comments: Please note that I am a U.S. citizen by birth only (not ancestry),however, I have lived in the Middle East mywhole life and therefore expect allowances for my verbal score. I am applyingas a U.S.citizen and indicating my foreign background. Also note that my being rankedsecond is due to the fact that I am the only top student taking 4 A Levelsubjects in my school (which is considered the most rigorous possible), whichhas affected my GPA negatively compared to those who take 3 A Levels only. Alsonote that my recommendations are nothing short of spectacular, all stating thatI am the best student ever encountered in the teacher's career and full ofall-out praise.
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