

飘洋过海为您提供1>如何成功签证移民USA;出国前准备工作(过海关,登机,离境,入境...); 在美国职业发展的信息

标题: 献给高度重视孩子的父母们!(秋水)

(2006-09-09 14:16:39) 下一个
标题: 献给高度重视孩子的父母们!(秋水)

什么样的孩子能被MIT录取?什么样的孩子被MIT今年Deferred 了?又是什么样的孩子被MIT今年给Rejected了?





School Type: Tough public magnet
Location (city, state, country): Miami, FL
Race/Gender: Cuban/Female
Prospective Major: EECS
AIM: MSimo20
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Weighted GPA: 5.53
Class rank: 3 of 128
SAT I Scores
SAT I Math: 760
SAT I Verbal: 700
ACT Scores
ACT Composite: 33
SAT II Scores
SAT II Writing: 690
SAT II Math IIC: 800
SAT II Chemistry: 740
Additional Info
Extracurricular Inf - Student Government President (in SGA for 4 years)
- 2 years of research on tropical cyclone rainfall at NOAA's Hurricane Research Division with an MIT Grad School Alumni
- ted for Westinghouse and INTEL
- Varsity Tennis for 4 years (2 years Captain)
- Violinist
- Member of 2003 Florida Regional Champion National Ocean Science Bowl Team
- Positions in:
- INTERACT Service Club
- Mu Alpha Theta (Co-Vice President)
- Member of:
- National Honor Society
- Science Honor Society

Other Inf Most rigorous schedule available at school with a total of 12 APs on tran.


School Type: Very Competitive Private School
Location (city, state, country): Miami, FL
Race/Gender: White Male
Prospective Major: Aerospace Engineering/Applied Physics
AIM: Pittstophicles
Unweighted GPA: 3.3-3.4
Weighted GPA: N/A
Class rank: N/A of 144
SAT I Scores
SAT I Math: 760
SAT I Verbal: 770
ACT Scores
ACT Composite: 34
SAT II Scores
SAT II Writing: 700
SAT II Math IIC: 800
SAT II Chemistry: 770
Additional Info
Extracurricular Inf *4 Years Varsity Sailing (Full Year Committment)
-Most Improved Awards (2)
-Most Valuable Award (1)
-Have also sailed a lot outside of school
-School team is ranked 9th and 11th nationally in two different categories
-Sailed at both national championship events

*4 Years Working For A Newspaper/Magazine
-Written & Produced by Young Adults (16-24)
-Monthly writer
-Founding member

*Spent my summer after sophomore year at Oxford University in England
-Majored in "Creative Writing" & minored in "Speech & Rhetoric" during my four weeks there
-Earned an A+ in creative writing and a B+ in Speech & Rhetoric

*Spent my summer after junior year at a local university (University of Miami) working in a research lab with graduate students
-Was chosen as one of two juniors in my school to have this opportunity
-Spent six weeks in the civil engineering department
-Learned MatLab computational software and Abaqus engineering software
-Worked on three-dimensional modeling of reinforced concrete with composite materials
-Coauthoringaresearch paper to be published in major engineering journals on mywork(may not be ready for early applications...)
-Have a very good recommendation letter from a professor at the university (a doctor of engineering)

Iplayguitarquite a bit and have recorded songs and such, but there isno"guitar" atmy school. I have put on several concerts for charity.Ihave had a poempublished by and I won their"prestigous"editor's choiceaward. Attended a Science Olympiad at alocaluniversity tenth andeleventh grades. Participated both timesinchemistry and eleventh grademy team placed second overall.Thecompetition was broken down into teamlaboratory, team oral,andindividual test sections. As team captain Iled my team to first inthelaboratory, second in the oral, and I placedthird overall on thetest.This competition drew teams from thesurrounding counties.

Myrecommendationsare absolutelytop-notch. I have the director of myschool who hastaught me APChemistry and who is teaching me AP PhysicsB now and Ihave my currentmath teacher who's teaching me a classcalled APCalculus 2/DifferentialEquations writing them for me. I readthe onefrom my math teacher and itis literally the bestrecommendation ever. Ihave had excellentinterviews and my essay ishumorous, unique &well-written.

I am also working as the electrical engineer on a project to build a hydrogen-powered train.

Other Inf GPA (On a 12-Point Scale)

9th Grade 8.6 (B/B+)
10th Grade 8.6 (B/B+)
11th Grade 9.8 (A-)
12th Grade 1st Qtr: 10.4 (A-/A)

After11thgrademy cumulative GPA was just over a 9.0, which isapproximately a3.33unweighted on a 4.0 scale. I took AP Chem, APCalc, APMicroeconomics,and AP Macroeconomics last year and got fourfives. I'mcurrentlyenrolled in five APs (Calculus BC, English Lit,Biology,Physics B, ArtHistory), which is the toughest schedule (withone otherperson) in myschool.

I'm a national merit semifinalist (224 on the PSAT) and I'm pending finalist. I am also an AP Scholar with Honor.


School Type: Public
Location (city, state, country): NJ
Race/Gender: Indian/M
Unweighted GPA: 4.00
Weighted GPA: 6.95
Class rank: 1 of 505
SAT I Scores
SAT I Math: 800
SAT I Verbal: 800
SAT II Scores
SAT II Writing: 800
SAT II Math IIC: 800
SAT II Chemistry: 790
Additional Info
Extracurricular Inf varsity tennis (capt), varsity chess (capt), some community service, some awards, some random clubs, some other crap

Other Inf 12 APs by grad, 5's on 6 of them so far.




School Type: White Public
Location (city, state, country): PA
Race/Gender: White/Male
Prospective Major: Chem/Biomed/materials Engineering
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.7
Class rank: 1 of 421
SAT I Scores
SAT I Math: 780
SAT I Verbal: 760
SAT II Scores
SAT II Writing: 760
SAT II Math IIC: 760
SAT II Molecular Biology: 780
SAT II Chemistry: 700
SAT II Physics: 750
Additional Info
Extracurricular Inf cancer research

president of debate, math teams, other clubs

10 AP's by graduation, hardest courseload

typical crap

Volunteer group AND NHS, I sometimes amaze myself

worked in a law firm for about 500 hours

mediocre essays and recs

Other Inf chem-



School Type: Private, Parochial
Location (city, state, country): Brooklyn, New York, USA
Race/Gender: Irish, Italian/Male
Prospective Major: Mathematics
Unweighted GPA: 3.95
Weighted GPA: 4.35
Class rank: 1 of 299
SAT I Scores
SAT I Math: 780
SAT I Verbal: 680
SAT II Scores
SAT II Writing: 730
SAT II Math IIC: 800
SAT II Physics: 780
Additional Info
Extracurricular Inf AP's
US History- 5
Psychology- 5
English Language- 5

- Robotics Team
- School Newspaper
- Psychology Teacher Assistant
- Spanish Teacher Assistant
- Internet Website
- Created Multiple TI Programs for students taking AP CAlculus and AP Physics

Great Rec's

Taking all IB Classes (highest grade in Calculus BC)



School Type: community college
Location (city, state, country): Los Altos Hills, CA, USA
Race/Gender: Vietnamese
Prospective Major: Bioengineering
AIM: khoa7584
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.0
Class rank: 1 of 68
SAT I Scores
SAT I Math: 800
SAT I Verbal: 620
TOEFL Scores
TOEFL Score: 270
SAT II Scores
SAT II Math IIC: 800
SAT II Chemistry: 800
SAT II Physics: 730
Additional Info
Extracurricular Inf +Blue Summer Campaign In Vietnam ( community service to help the underprivileged, street children, elderly)
+Vietnamese youth group leader
+Tutoring Services at Foothill.

+Member of Foothill Science and Engineering Association.
+Translator at Pacific Free Clinic
+Intership at Carnegie Institution

+Scholarship of ALC ( association of leading colleges), UK, worth 4425 pounds per year
+First prize in district math contest
+Second prize in ho chi minh city math contest
+Dean list at foothill college for 2 consecutive years




School Type: Public
Race/Gender: Hispanic Male
Prospective Major: Aerospace Engineering
Unweighted GPA: 3.98
Weighted GPA: 4.405
Class rank: 11 of 594
SAT I Scores
SAT I Math: 790
SAT I Verbal: 740
SAT II Scores
SAT II Writing: 790
SAT II Math IIC: 800
SAT II Chemistry: 770
Additional Info
Extracurricular Inf MarchingBand:4years, Flute and Piccolo, Drum Major, Squad Leader, MusicLeader,5superiors at District and State Solo and Ensemble Festival

Boy Scouts: 12 years, Eagle Scout, 23 Merit Badges

Mu Alpha Theta: 4 years, Numerous individual awards in both individual and team competition,
Eighth place Algebra 2 team at state, ELeventh place Logs and Exponents test at State

BrainBowl:2years, Third place school team at county competitionandcollegecompetition, Position on county team at state competition

Astronomy Club: 2 years, President

JETS: 2 years, First place team across all divisions in region and state. Fourth place JV team in nation

Other Inf Attended Young Scholars Program, a science/math research institute at Florida State Uiversity

Top science/math student in county

National Merit Semifinalist

National Hispanic Scholar

National Honor Society

Spanish Honor Society

Sixth place at Chemistry Olympiad

Top ten in county math competition
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