
飘洋过海为您提供1>如何成功签证移民USA;出国前准备工作(过海关,登机,离境,入境...); 在美国职业发展的信息

USA Immigration Controversy Heating Up.

(2006-08-22 17:24:48) 下一个
USA Immigration Controversy Heating Up. by Col. James A. Rarick Elected government officials are currently spreading out in the United States to hear comments and to discuss the various viewpoints of the new immigration bill. The bill is now in a conference committee where the widely differing House and Senate versions are being hammered into one unified law. The new bill holds serious implications for all IT specialists, nurses, doctors, physical therapists, and other professionals desiring to work in the USA. One major implication is that the caps for H1b and other visas could be scrapped for certain groups ?and that includes healthcare professionals. That is wonderful news. Another factor could very well be the raising of education, professional knowledge, and language requirements. No one knows at the present time whether a compromise will be reached on the current bill. Nevertheless, there will be reform coming to the entire USA immigration system at some point in the near future. That is a fact.
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