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Creating music video (音乐视频)

(2023-11-17 17:15:28) 下一个

最近开始个新爱好,creating youtube music video, first look for beautiful copyright free music , then use either my own video or free videos to create a video or movie, really like the creative part of this , a lot of fun and learning. Sports without music is a bit too plain to me. music/sports video  is a great combo. 


Sharing a few videos here recently created. first one is a sports video.  i love this music by tunetank , can't get enough of it, it is additive to listen to. 


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晨思 回复 悄悄话 回复 '黄河北岸' 的评论 : wrote a quick article about this
严惠姗 回复 悄悄话 挺好玩的.
晨思 回复 悄悄话 做视频看上去简单,但也花不少时间,比如 seeking raw material to use, clearing copyright issue before posting , credit creators /provide web links if using others ' free video and music
晨思 回复 悄悄话 回复 '黄河北岸' 的评论 : 好,过后写篇详细一些的
黄河北岸 回复 悄悄话 能不能写一篇博客 提供细节。用截图说明。谢谢