music learning journal

什么是艺术 what is art

(2020-07-08 12:35:40) 下一个


what is art 什么是艺术 by Tolstoy 


音乐艺术:music and imagination - by Aaron copland (a modern composer) 


绘画艺术 :Art spirit - by Robert Henri



Extract from What's art: 

Destiny of art in our time is to transmit from the realm of reason to the realm of feeling the truth that well-being for men consists in being united together , and to set up in place of existing reign of force that kingkdom of God, ie, of love, which we all recognize to be the highest aim of human life. … the task for Christian art is to establish brotherly union among men.


The task of art to accomplish is to make that feeling of brotherhood and love of one’s neighbor, …and universal art by uniting the most different people in one common feeling, by destroying separation, will educate people to union, will show them not by reason but by life itself, the joy of universal union reaching beyond the bounds set by life


Music and imagination: 

The sense of musical delight, with the power of producing it, is a gift of imagination. An imaginative mind is essential in creation of art in any medium, but it is even more essential in music precisely because music provides the broadest possible vista for the imagination since it is the freest, the most abstract the least fettered of all the arts.


Art spirit :

There are moments in our lives, there are moments in a day, when we seem to see beyond the usual. Such are the moments of our greatest happiness. Such as are the moments of our greatest wisdom. If one could but recall his vision by some of sort of sign. It was in this hope that the arts were invented. Sign-posts on the way to what may be. Sign-posts toward greater knowledge. 

My own reflection on what is art : 我的定义,高度概括

Language art :  a logical and reflective moment on painful and happy past experience(s) ,  see oneself from God's eyes.

Music : to live another (or many) unlived/imagined life, to get in touch the feeling  of a real human being, to breath  fresh air outside the business machines we all live in today. Music lies in the intersection of art and science, a beautiful mystery that gives meaning to our daily living. 

Visual Art : to mimic and exercise God's given creative power to create new being and things

After all, art is as abstract as concept of love , hard to define but we know it is there and it is one of the human dimension, when we appreciate an art work, we  truly feel grateful to be alive

英文表达快, 有时间再翻成中文

下面debussy 的曲子是家里小朋友弹的







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晨思 回复 悄悄话 回复 '野性de思维' 的评论 : 是女儿弹的,五岁开始弹,一直弹到了十级。肖邦的音乐多有melancholy 的情绪,有极致的美,喜欢他的ballade 4 & ballade 1,他的音乐给我的画面常是美丽的女子芭蕾舞,德彪西的这首给我的是十八世纪的田园风光和美丽的女子们,油画,音乐的画面感特强,超凡脱俗,行云流水, 表达一种发自内心的delightfulness. 这两位都是了不起的音乐人!
野性de思维 回复 悄悄话 >>>下面debussy 的曲子是家里小朋友弹的


gx123 回复 悄悄话 babygrand?
晨思 回复 悄悄话 这句讲得真好,音乐是收拢灵魂的艺术。。。
