Live like you are dying.

浪迹西洋 漂泊北美 差旅劳顿东南亚 九天揽月 五洋作鳖
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(2006-11-03 15:37:41) 下一个
"100 Years"

I'm 15 for a moment
Caught in between 10 and 20
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are
I'm 22 for a moment
She feels better than ever
And we're on fire
Making our way back from Mars
15, there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to lose
15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got 100 years to live

I'm 33 for a moment
Still the man, but you see I'm a they
A kid on the way
A family on my mind
I'm 45 for a moment
The sea is high
And I'm heading into a crisis
Chasing the years of my life
15, there's still time for you
Time to buy, Time to lose yourself
Within a morning star
15, I'm all right with you
15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got 100 years to live

Half time goes by
Suddenly you're wise

Another blink of an eye
67 is gone
The sun is getting high
We're moving on...
I'm 99 for a moment
Dying for just another moment
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are
15, there's still time for you
22, I feel her too
33, you're on your way
Every day's a new day...
15, there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to choose
Hey 15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got 100 years to live

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阅读 ()评论 (6)
redtruck 回复 悄悄话 思维想象文笔了得 , 鼓 掌 !
雨打梧桐 回复 悄悄话 like.
40hutu 回复 悄悄话
云林是心宽地阔云高,看什么都欣然! 真羡慕!
40hutu 回复 悄悄话

云林 回复 悄悄话 好喜欢这首歌。也喜欢那个动漫。
虔谦 回复 悄悄话 "驾一叶之扁舟,举匏樽以相属; 寄蜉蝣与天地,渺沧海之一粟。 哀吾生之须臾,羡长江之无穷;….盖将自其变者而观之,而天地曾不能一瞬;自其不变者而观之,则物于我皆无尽也。" -- 苏东坡.赤壁赋
是不是很妙啊, 中国古人就是这样参透有尽力无尽的.
朋友你的思维想象文笔都很特出. 加油阿. 接下来我就少网了, 提前祝你感恩节, 圣诞节节快乐, 新年更好!